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DemomanSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Scotland Fragm3nt3d

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there!

Looking for a steady team, div 3 ish would suit !

Could play div 2 as soldier if I put in the effort.

Plenty banter on mumble, no zombies please.

Avail about 4 nights a week.

Add me on steam.

Peace out , A-town down

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1423671 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Kaylus
Left Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Fragm3nt3d
Left Scotland [National Highlander Team] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Khazul
Left :elephant: [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Animate [6v6] Warped
Left clanda [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined :elephant: [Highlander] cherryrendezvous
Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Animate [6v6] Warped
Left d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Bloodis
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Fenrir
Left Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left The Quitters [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined The Quitters [Highlander] Maccy
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Flow.
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] adysky
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Fuxx
Left its Team [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined its Team [Highlander] Graba
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Nik
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Fuxx
Left Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] Atomicus
Left #SDW [Highlander] demsii
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left vier // blu R.I.P. [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined vier // blu R.I.P. [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left All The Rage [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined All The Rage [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Classy [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined #SDW [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Left bEARFORCE1 [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Scotland [National Highlander Team] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Classy [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined DAKKAgaming.com [6v6] Dr Icecream
Left isaninja [6v6] bean
Joined isaninja [6v6] bean
Left Inadequacy [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Inadequacy [6v6] Dahlbeck
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Left Catch 22 [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined bEARFORCE1 [Highlander] demsii
Left Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Catch 22 [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] Gamb1t
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] dead account
Left Ad Infinitum [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Tapley ❤
Joined Ad Infinitum [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left 21 BlackJack [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined 21 BlackJack [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left enixe [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined enixe [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Definition [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Definition [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] dead account
Left fingerprint [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined fingerprint [6v6] Miss Blu3y
Left The Super Happy Fun Clan [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined The Super Happy Fun Clan [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Cuarto Milenio [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Tapley ❤
Joined Cuarto Milenio [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined .... [1v1] Fragm3nt3d
Left .... [1v1] Fragm3nt3d
Joined .... [1v1] Fragm3nt3d
Left Execute [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined ... [2v2] SfynX
Joined Execute [6v6] Chubbsta
Left FakkelBrigade [Highlander] Exfane
Left FuSle [6v6] g0d
Joined FuSle [6v6] g0d
Left Ninth Gaming [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Ninth Gaming [6v6] SfynX
Left Fakkel Brigade 2 [6v6] Redman350
Joined FakkelBrigade [Highlander] Exfane
Left Panache! Arena [6v6 Fun Team] sc.lofty
Joined Fakkel Brigade 2 [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Nervous.tf2 [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Panache! Arena [6v6 Fun Team] sc.lofty
Joined Nervous.tf2 [6v6] Fragm3nt3d

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  1. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    Fantastic demo, his strongest point is his pipe aim, his weakest is rollouts but he definitely makes up for it with all the upsides. Sound person too, great attitude. Add to that hes committed.

    Had really nice 2 weeks playing with Fragm3nt3d, good luck to him.

  2. Nikola said:

    cool guy can handle div2 easy

  3. Kalomo said:

    <3 this scottish fag :) his pipe aim with that one-eyed scottish black man is unbelievable . too strong

  4. Lore: DStS - <3Michelle said:

    Definite asset to any team, can handle div 2 for sure ,worth picking up!

  5. hys: TLR said:

    lovely guy and a great singer, gl :)

  6. Tommy Testosterone: [d¿s] said:

    super scottish

    also a good solly but who cares about that really

  7. Belial: SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    2nd what Mercy said, Really great guy was a pleasure playing with him and who can pass up that amazing Scottish singing voice :) good luck mate!!!!!!

  8. ViolentDuck: TSC^ said:

    Awesome dude,

    nice to play with

    good calls, dm, jokes errthang is good!

    Imho pick him up, he will demolish your opponents with left clicking then right clicking

    Also, pipes are nommy because he makes peeps eat them :D


  9. Speedfreak said:

    Nice lad :D (great accent, makes me want to move to scotland and fight for freedom) great roamer, not really seen him play demo but if he can play demo at ?equvilant? skill then he da baws man :D