ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Mid Skill, Highlander

European FOR THE LOGS!

Posted by Broglie de Scarecrow: | Last Online:

Looking for a new main demo for ETF2L/UGC

We require that you
-Have reasonable English
-Are mature and willing to take and give criticism
-Have mumble c:
-Are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for scrims, though we may make exceptions for single days on a case-by-case basis

Add myself or Widd3rshins for a trial

DeScarecrow, team leader :3

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  1. Widd3rshins: ғᴛʟ! - lolHL said:

    Minor addendum, we also need you to be available Mondays for UGC!

  2. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    This is your chance to play with Catt! The cutest voice I have ever heard in my 6000 hours of tf2!

    And Dirty Des, TF2Center hacking extraordinaire!

  3. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    14:31 – D.I. Scarecrow: “Good team” c:

  4. UL7RA: x22 - ғᴛʟ! said:

    I so wish I could join, but being a single teenage black mom is hard. :|

  5. RTC said:

    lovely guys who are keen to improve

    plus you get to play with the scariest spy main in scotland, what’s not to like?

  6. I stole your bees.: (honey daddy) - MWA said:

    If you don’t play for them you may miss some beautiful voice cracks and quotes from vclox, such as “Scouts cumming on us” great fun now that the party pooper has left them :P

  7. Included_Middle: Bully said:

    Easily one of the best mumble atmospheres and friendliest gamers I’ve played with, nothing but good things to say about them :)

  8. drew: -Xe- said:

    yea we are friendly as long you not piss me off nerdDDDDDDDDDDD

  9. Speedead: @ said:

    Good gamerz, all cute and nice people ! no worries ladies get in this team :~D

  10. Knightfall said:

    I’m 13 i fit all of the requirements.

    I may sound a bit American in the Mumble but i’m not yes i’m not i’m from Iraq but you know.. i look like a dumb ass when i try speaking in a British way xD

    I added Widd3rshins

  11. asadawarf: #ΣDM - (°)> said:

    you don’t need a new demo, you have Rubbish on your roster….!