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Scout  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Israel fadestep

Posted: | Last Online:

hi :)
might thinking of getting back to shape :)
query me or add me steam zur565647474

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:28032350 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] JackyLegs
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] SorroW
Joined ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] Retsh0ck
Left Casi Angeles [6v6] fadestep
Left Israel [National Highlander Team] Random
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] Random
Joined Casi Angeles [6v6] fadestep
Left Team Infused [6v6] Admirable
Left Crack Clan Highlander [Highlander] Bucket
Joined Team Infused [6v6] fadestep
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] fadestep
Joined Israel [National Highlander Team] fadestep
Left Team Awesomeness [6v6] ReveraL
Joined Team Awesomeness [6v6] ReveraL
Left Cream of the Crop [6v6] Smeg
Joined Cream of the Crop [6v6] Smeg
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] fadestep
Joined Crack Clan Highlander [Highlander] psunfragga
Left 9 yehudim she hem lo beemet yehudim [Highlander] Retsh0ck
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] Sentor
Left slagsmålsKlubben [6v6] Depch
Joined 9 yehudim she hem lo beemet yehudim [Highlander] Retsh0ck
Joined 2shotmeluchlach [2v2] Nivzeh
Joined slagsmålsKlubben [6v6] Depch
Left K1ck eSports [6v6] fadestep
Joined K1ck eSports [6v6] Sentor
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Left Precursors of Death [6v6] fadestep
Joined Precursors of Death [6v6] zipko
Left 21 Grams [6v6] fadestep
Joined 21 Grams [6v6] Krulltotten
Left procella [6v6] fadestep
Joined procella [6v6] op
Left FakkelBrigade 2 [6v6] fadestep
Joined FakkelBrigade 2 [6v6] Swifty
Left fubar [6v6] fadestep
Joined fubar [6v6] dg
Left Look At [6v6] fadestep
Joined Look At [6v6] GameFreak--
Left <3 Pendulum [6v6] fadestep
Joined <3 Pendulum [6v6] Harps
Left <3 Pendulum [6v6] fadestep
Joined <3 Pendulum [6v6] Harps
Left spLit [6v6] fadestep
Left Fadestep [1v1] fadestep
Joined spLit [6v6] Ray
Left incorporated. [6v6] fadestep
Joined incorporated. [6v6] DUVDEVANI
Joined Fadestep [1v1] fadestep
Left 1on1 noob [1v1] fadestep
Joined 1on1 noob [1v1] fadestep
Left Division Of Justice [6v6] SatlanNumberOne
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] Sabinrenex
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] fadestep
Joined Division Of Justice [6v6] SatlanNumberOne

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 20 1739
View Div 1/Div 2 14 938
View Prem 12 2794
View Prem 26 1987
View Prem 11 1404
View Prem 20 2233
View Prem 16 26173
View Mid+ 44 1816
View Mid+ 16 1114
View Mid+ 64 3743
View Mid+ 28 1246
View Mid+ 5 816


  1. Tarkus: aHn said:

    more prem then div 1/2

  2. baribur: aHn - 2strong said:

    good to see you back! div 1 for sure atm.
    can push back to prem within a month of playing.

  3. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  4. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    I hate most the cunts in this scene. But no one can hate zur. His voice just fills me with joy and hes a sick gaymer.

    Div1 ez mode and can shit on all those nerds in that hacklist. Fuck Nace and Beavern.

    He was a bit too keen before but I think the break has de-nergined him.

  5. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Bestest gamer in the universe.

  6. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    Gibbz is #1 nergin eu

  7. haimehh: addict! said:

    yalla tahzor

  8. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    I’ll try again..
    Will you marry me?

  9. s0rex said:

    lol fadestep the legend is back :D

  10. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    bump for glory.

  11. Mike: TEZC said:


  12. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    fadestep, when u going to the army?? I thought thats why u quit. whats the haps bro? also, I wil kick gubbins and u join my team

  13. fadestep: aHn said:

    i am study at uni before army
    got more 1.5 years before army :)

  14. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    I may be forced to form a SUPER TEAM to harness the awesome power of Fadestep in exactly one month.

    You have all been warned.

  15. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    The best guy, heart of gold

  16. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    I’ll never stop bumping this post.

  17. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    Seriously, fadestep was easily best scout that wasn’t in a div 1 team, back when div 1 was prem and there were good players around still. GET THIS GUY

  18. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    well… along with tocsix and deux but ye, whatevs! he can beast

  19. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


    P.S. Swifty grow some balls and tell the people that fadestep is the only scout worth talking about… fuck those Swede phoneys!

  20. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:


  21. fadestep: aHn said:

    >3 you guys srsly

  22. ReveraL said:

    So…start playing already and stop being gay saying you have homework..when i was your age i did my homework at noon and played tf2 at night.
    Basicly just the most awesome scout ever! GL <3

  23. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    Do what ReveraL said!

  24. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    rak tahzor kvar ya mizdayen

  25. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Better than Greg…

  26. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    one wouldn’t think otherwise

  27. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Indeed, sir.
    *adjusts monocle*

  28. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Bumped like it ain’t no thang.

  29. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    fadestep to cc?!

  30. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    reveral nolifer!@!$^*((W^