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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Denmark EvolveR

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Hi, im a 19-old-dawg from the beautiful country of denmark, a place where the vikings once lived. I´m from the eastcoast BITCH!, here it´s warm in the summer, cold in the winter. You know how it´s.
I want you to know that im tough(HÅRD), I take my pizza out of the oven without oven mitts.
I take a piss with the seat down, I shave even on mondays. So I think it´s fair to say that im a BAMF.
non or the else, i would like to find a div 5/6 Team, mainly because tf2lobby is down…..
Im pretty good at clicking people and making pancakes
also i wanna add that i have a black-belt in a karate.
I have a fair amount of pokimon cards, so im not new at games or trading.
If you´re looking for a scout to huzel your duzel im ready for some razzle dazzle….
So, send me a carrier pigeon with a letter and I´ll be there soon as possible.
I have played div5 before, so this mission aren't completely impossible.
I didn´t use a lot of swears, so I´m going to write FUCK, here just for the hell of it…
if you read the whole thing you´re an idiot, FO´REAL.

Og hvis, du er neger eller sådan noget, så skriv lige en kommentar.

Ps. Please, add me if you have any questions (on steam of course)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:90807644 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] Andreas
Left Pls Respond [6v6] EvolveR
Joined Pls Respond [6v6] basedmedic
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] EvolveR
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] EvolveR
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] Andreas
Joined xoxo highlander [Highlander] EvolveR
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] EvolveR
Left Vertical Intrusion [6v6] Kim
Joined Vertical Intrusion [6v6] EvolveR
Left online Mega Geeks [6v6] Ynk
Joined online Mega Geeks [6v6] vid

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  1. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    OH the nigger is motherfucking back !!!!!!!

  2. basedmedic said:

    Hejsa. Added dig angående mercing for hold. Stuff.