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ScoutSniper  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England Erebor

Posted: | Last Online:

I have a lot of experience in div 5 now, played scout for a season with a great team, have a lot of experience as solly and demo, and i am looking for a div 5 team that is looking to improve and help me to improve, hit me up on steam. 6's team and hopefully all or nearly all english so coms are clean :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66521701 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Fine Christians [6v6] Dombasek
Joined Fine Christians [6v6] Dombasek
Left Good Enough [Highlander] birdy
Left What a story mark! [6v6] BnB
Joined What a story mark! [6v6] Erebor
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Erebor
Left Quality Control. [6v6] Erebor
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] Erebor
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Erebor
Left ? [Highlander] Lokter
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Erebor
Left eXodus Gaming [6v6] Seleri
Joined eXodus Gaming [6v6] Erebor
Left Intoxicated [6v6] Pricee
Joined Intoxicated [6v6] Erebor
Left Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] izaak²²
Joined Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] izaak²²
Joined ? [Highlander] Lokter
Left XtraViaTioN [6v6] Erebor
Left XtraViaTioN [Highlander] Erebor
Left XtraViaTioN BBall [2v2] Erebor
Joined XtraViaTioN BBall [2v2] Mr Biggles
Joined XtraViaTioN [Highlander] Mr Biggles
Joined XtraViaTioN [6v6] Mr Biggles

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 2 264
View Div 5/Div 6 1 165
View Div 5/Div 6 0 133
View Div 5/Div 6 1 121
View Div 5/Div 6 0 193
View Div 5/Div 6 0 273
View Div 6 2 222
View Div 6 5 330
View Div 5/Div 6 3 216
View Div 6 1 175


  1. AndrewByrne said:

    erebor is a great scout, in fact he’s good at soldier and demo but his scout aim and movement have been drastically improving. Really funny and friendly lad. He defiantly deserves a solid div 5 team to be apart of.

  2. NeKarK: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. said:

    nice guy, good scout!!! pick him up <3

  3. Mont: [DA] said:

    ive seen a huge improvement in his scouting since playing it and he hasnt played it for long either he can also play demo and solly to a good standard aswell, hes a sound lad pick him up!

  4. SmAsH: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Great guy, good banter and generally a really nice person (something you don’t get alot), shown major improvements. Shame it wasnt working out with us lot but 2 none lead scouts never really does. Deffo worth picking up. Needs a lead scout to play with. Good sniper but doesn’t fully understand when and when not to switch between them yet but im sure he would pick it up with some guidance. Any d5 team that wants to move up the divs should take a look.

  5. rtslol: PrettyGay said:

    well as they say in a brotherhood they have 1 bad and 1 good..
    since lokters bad, you must be good?!