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Scout  Prem Skill, 6v6

Belgium droso

Posted: | Last Online:

Still looking for a team. Open to new _decent_ projects!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:9738352 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Belgium [National 6v6 Team] EASY
Joined Nightmare [6v6] loopster
Left Belgium [National Highlander Team] Synrise
Left Salty Frogs [6v6] Corbac
Left Stacked [Highlander] droso
Joined Stacked [Highlander] b33p
Left Highpander© [Highlander] droso
Joined Highpander© [Highlander] Hildreth
Left Jamais Vu [Highlander] droso
Joined Salty Frogs [6v6] DeGuN
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] droso
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Permzilla
Left BONNE AMBIANCE 2K14 [6v6] payard
Joined Jamais Vu [Highlander] Linus
Left SNSD [Highlander] droso
Joined BONNE AMBIANCE 2K14 [6v6] KnOxXx
Left TCM Gaming [6v6] droso
Joined TCM Gaming [6v6] byte
Left WebOne [6v6] droso
Joined WebOne [6v6] droso
Joined droso [1v1] droso
Left BLAST [LAN Team] droso
Left The New Resort [6v6] droso
Joined The New Resort [6v6] droso
Left The Last Resort [6v6] droso
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] droso
Left AUTOBOTS [6v6] droso
Joined AUTOBOTS [6v6] droso
Joined Belgium [National 6v6 Team] droso
Joined Belgium [National Highlander Team] droso
Left LDLC.com [6v6] droso
Joined LDLC.com [6v6] droso
Left OutSiders [6v6] droso
Joined OutSiders [6v6] droso
Left Team Yoyotech [6v6] droso
Left 3 euros 1 cup [6v6 Fun Team] droso
Joined Team Yoyotech [6v6] Hat
Left I Don't Know? [6v6] droso
Joined SNSD [Highlander] Linus
Joined 3 euros 1 cup [6v6 Fun Team] octochris
Joined I Don't Know? [6v6] HYS
Left Croissants au Beurre [6v6] droso
Joined Croissants au Beurre [6v6] droso
Left Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Left Caward Highlander [Highlander] droso
Joined BLAST [LAN Team] AnroliF
Joined Paroxysm [6v6] droso
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] droso
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Left Nine Team [6v6] droso
Joined Caward Highlander [Highlander] droso
Joined Tu Veux Du Pain? [2v2] droso
Left Caward Highlander [Highlander] droso
Joined Nine Team [6v6] RoY
Left Caward [RIP] [6v6] droso
Joined Caward Highlander [Highlander] droso
Joined Caward [RIP] [6v6] Radical

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 11 1579
View Prem 1 540
View Prem/Div 1 19 1541
View Prem 22 1670
View Prem 15 1918
View Prem 7 707
View Prem 3 765
View Prem 45 2779
View Prem 20 2095
View Prem 14 1164
View Prem 18 1524
View Prem 28 2649
View Prem 36 1960
View Prem 37 1507
View Prem 0 372
View Prem 19 1517
View Prem 15 1515
View Prem 24 2261
View Mid+ 44 2827


  1. rockie said:

    Dr. Oso?

  2. mini: TC said:

    play only his main in mix
    mega relou
    Gl :)

  3. Mr.Dr.Venom: <3 said:

    Will carry his team in prem

  4. fl1p said:

    really good scooter & friendly guys & drosohomobrigade

  5. Hat said:

    gorgeous man, gorgeous gamer, gorgeous car

    so many gorgeous things about him, get him and become gorgeous yourself

  6. vani: F! said:


  7. wic' said:

    Droso 2 stronk!

  8. Luzzu said:

    Love him

  9. Pognon: DA! said:


  10. Pognon: DA! said:

    D R O S O P H I L E
    O B O G O S S E
    O S
    P T F K
    H R O I
    I O R L
    L P T L
    E E

  11. Pognon: DA! said:

    Ca marche pas ce site

  12. Pognon: DA! said:

    Il est trop pourri.

  13. Pognon: DA! said:

    Ca m’énerve tain. Mais droso par contre il est pas pourri. Il est super.

  14. Pognon: DA! said:

    oh sorry its not in english : droso par contre he’s very stronk super top, not pourri at all.

  15. Pognon: DA! said:

    At all, les opticiens !

  16. Captainhax: AwS - DA! said:

    Forever #2

  17. Luzzu said:

    Actually i dont love him, fuck him

  18. Luzzu said:

    No homo tho

  19. Luzzu said:

    un truc

  20. Luzzu said:


  21. Pognon: DA! said:

    Luzzu + Pognon + Droso = BFF

  22. Luzzu said:

    lol no true

  23. Pognon: DA! said:

    Droso le matin sa famille elle fait un débat televisé dans son salon.

    Droso in the morning : he’s acting like if he’s doing a TV show with his family, his mother is walking on Luzzu’s computer, its so noisy, he’s mad about it. Not droso, Luzzu.

  24. Luzzu said:

    lol fdp droso’s mother

  25. Pognon: DA! said:

    Luzzu il se sent vachement bien accueilli chez Pomme par contre, c’est vraiment super.

    Luzzu, on the other side, feels like home when he’s at Pomme house. Its really great.

  26. Pognon: DA! said:

    Luzzu fais une soirée chez lui demain, y’aura pas mal de pommes et des putes, vous voulez venir ou pas ?

    Luzzu is doing a party at his place tomorrow, there will be friends and… and… girls. Do you guys wanna come ?

  27. Pognon: DA! said:

    Luzzu me signale que c’est pas des girls mais des putes. Et quand il dit ca c’est pas des blagues.

    Luzzu wants to correct my misstakes ; those girls are specials, you can pay them to satisfy your needs. And he’s assuring me its not a joke at all.

    At all, les opticiens.

  28. Pognon: DA! said:

    selon GLP le billet d’avion coute 480 euros en novembre pour le canada, ce qui est pas cher. Sur Air France bien sur.

    According to GLP the plane ticket cost 480 euros in november, to fly to the canada. Which is cheap. On Air France airline, of course

  29. Pognon: DA! said:

    Au Canada à la facon dont les filles te parlent on sent qu’elles sont plus ouvertes quand meme.

    In Canada, the girls are not talking like they’re talking in europe, they’re much more open. It seems like it, at least.

  30. Pognon: DA! said:

    Droso est pas nul dis droso, en comparaison à captainhax il est meilleur. Captainhax s’étonne qu’il dise ça.

    Droso is not that bad, if you look at Captainhax skill, droso’s better. Captainhax is surprised about that and dont seem to recognize Pomme when Pomme is talking this way.

  31. Pognon: DA! said:

    Droso est pas nul dis POMME, pas droso. Sinon ca veut rien dire.

    Enfin vous aviez compris.

    You get what i mean, right ?


  32. droso: o/ said:

    >3 Pognon & Luzzu >3

  33. droso: o/ said:

    I MEAN <3

  34. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:
