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PyroSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

England Bonkers

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a stable div 5 or high div 6 team for season 9,
i have had 6v6 exp before and have quite decent deathmatch skills
last team kicked me out as i wanted to play soldier instead of demo.
Add me on steam
or comment here and i'll add you!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48280685 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Free Shavaka Doo [6v6 Fun Team] Bonkers
Joined Free Shavaka Doo [6v6 Fun Team] Bonkers
Left Digital Athletes [6v6] haris
Joined Digital Athletes [6v6] haris
Left Default Win e-Sports / White [6v6] h3x
Joined Default Win e-Sports / White [6v6] Bonkers
Left 5 Dollar Whores [6v6] Bonkers
Joined 5 Dollar Whores [6v6] Bonkers
Left Team EZ [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Team EZ [6v6] Bonkers
Left Dolphins N' Stuff [Highlander] omrish
Left team infusion [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Dolphins N' Stuff [Highlander] wampee
Left Veni, vidi, non vici [Highlander] Bonkers
Joined team infusion [6v6] wampee
Left failed [6v6] Bonkers
Joined failed [6v6] Bonkers
Left KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Bonkers
Joined KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Saloma
Left Team Colonslash: Pokemon [6v6] Zealos
Joined Veni, vidi, non vici [Highlander] Bonkers
Joined Team Colonslash: Pokemon [6v6] Zealos
Left Tabasco [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Tabasco [6v6] Bonkers
Left Nexus [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Nexus [6v6] Bonkers
Left Fenneks [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Fenneks [6v6] tizzel
Left Danse macabre [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Danse macabre [6v6] >
Left fold [6v6] Bonkers
Joined fold [6v6] Bonkers
Left Twisted Play Gentlemen [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Twisted Play Gentlemen [6v6] Bonkers
Left Sense Orange [6v6] Bonkers
Joined Sense Orange [6v6] Patters
Left Classy [6v6] Johs
Joined Classy [6v6] Dodge

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 10 476
View Div 5/Div 6 0 341
View Div 5/Div 6 0 236
View Div 5/Div 6 0 253
View Div 4/Div 5 16 699
View Div 5 11 614
View Div 4/Div 5 13 544
View Div 4/Div 5 26 568
View Div 4/Div 5 12 437
View Div 4/Div 5 33 1278
View Div 4/Div 5 5 532
View Div 5/Div 6 0 285
View Div 5/Div 6 13 536
View Div 5/Div 6 29 524
View Div 4/Div 5 12 738
View Div 4/Div 5 28 590
View Div 5 17 530
View Div 5 11 489
View Div 4/Div 5 28 685
View Div 5/Div 6 1 335


  1. .panic said:

    A new account and already left a team? +16 teams left and counting!

  2. Ghent: Team said:


  3. JarvA: Pinnacle said:

    soldier? tought u were medic?
    GL with ur teams, hope u’ll stay longer in a team then 2 days ;-)

  4. Bonkers said:

    only played medic for dynamic, and panic they removed me because i wanted to play soldier not demo, i didnt leave

  5. Papercut: Chive said:


  6. JarvA: Pinnacle said:

    I know u didn´t leave but, I was talking about kicking ;-)
    gl anyway

  7. Fantomen: nandos said:

    this guy has been in more teams then blorg.

  8. pumphead said:

    Changing user account so his epic fail team history isn’t shown wow you’re so pro can you taught me?

  9. JarvA: Pinnacle said:

    +1 Pump
    told ya bonkers

  10. Bonkers said:

    half my teams were the same 2 and jarva you change class more then i change teams so u cant say shit

  11. pumphead said:

    Changing class is not the same as changing team……

  12. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    l2english pumphead JEEZ

    @Bonkers Yes he can say shit, it’s his opinion

  13. Bonkers said:

    this is why i try to refrain from makin rec thread as soon as i do BLAM income the trolls

  14. JarvA: Pinnacle said:

    told ya u would regret it…

  15. Bonkers said:

    yeah…..anyway jarva why did u leave GoT² anyway, thought u had some good goin on there

  16. eXtreaL said:

    Take him if you need a soldier for 3 days.

  17. Bonkers said:

    i like how the recruitment threads are simply full of trolls, no constructive comments at all

  18. pumphead said:

    How is it trolling when all they are doing is speaking the truth. All you are gunna do is join the team and leave within 10 days guaranteed.

  19. Bonkers said:

    though tbh i couldn’t give a shit, not up to you guys if im good or bad, I’ve had bad luck with teams, you guys haven’t, anyway not up to you guys anyway its up to the next teams leader
    , would appreciate it though if it was constructive comments i don’t mind the truthful ones just when you exaggerate the truth

  20. pumphead said:

    No one is exaggerating anything go to your main account and look at the days between joining and leaving teams its at a maximum 10 days. Btw less commas do sometimes make a sentence make more sense.,,,,,,

  21. Bonkers said:

    Found a team.

  22. Dodge: Swag said:


  23. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Here’s a constructive comment for you Bonkers;

    Stay in a team for longer than 10 days.

    Is that constructive enough for you?

  24. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    this is his real account for anyone thinking of trialing him http://etf2l.org/forum/user/12463/

  25. Bonkers said:

    notice how half of the switches are between the same 2 teams

  26. Bonkers said:

    so really i’ve only been in 10 teams including this one

  27. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Sense Orange – ?
    Team Classy – 10 days
    Team Dynamic – 12 days
    Blood is Good2 – 10 days
    Nervous Energy Gold – 56 days
    reHash Gaming – 108 days
    UMAD? – 33 days
    INFECTED – 1 day
    Extreme Kill – 15 days
    Artificial Conspiracy – 11 days

    9 teams and 236 days. Average of 24 days per team. There are the facts. You might as well get rid of this thread because you found a team anyway.