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MedicSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Dr. Melon

Posted: | Last Online:

I am a pub player (with a history of mixes and lobbies) looking to expose myself to the competitive atmosphere of tf2, after three years of playing public matches.

I had mainly started playing as Medic to develop my game sense before I took a liking for the soldier and Demoman class. I only consider myself any good playing as a Medic or Soldier (both pocket and roamer), which are the classes I understand the mechanic of the best.

I speak both Spanish and English fluently, and am currently in the last year of school. Because of this, I'm mostly looking for a spot as a sub, since my gaming schedule might not me as stable as I would like it to be, or a team who can be a bit more flexible with issues such as these,

Cheers, Dr. Melon

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:89255743 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Rocket [Highlander] Dr. Melon
Left v2.31 [6v6] Shuffles_
Joined Team Rocket [Highlander] SpaceNookie
Joined v2.31 [6v6] luminize
Left Shredefreunde [6v6] Dr. Melon
Joined Shredefreunde [6v6] pi_pi3
Left No Offense [Highlander] Dr. Melon
Left Soup Can [6v6 Fun Team] Dr. Melon
Left Schnüffelstein [2v2] Dr. Melon
Left Soup Can [6v6] Dr. Melon
Joined Schnüffelstein [2v2] Dr. Melon
Joined Soup Can [6v6 Fun Team] Dr. Melon
Joined Soup Can [6v6] Dr. Melon
Left Carbon Gaming [6v6] Dr. Melon
Joined No Offense [Highlander] Dr. Melon
Joined Carbon Gaming [6v6] Vast

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