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MedicSoldier  Mid/Open Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

International Dominando

Posted by Hannes: | Last Online:

Looking for a Pocket solly, and medic for the Fresh Meat Cup. Post below and i'll add you for trials or add me.

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  1. remini said:

    i can occassionaly hit crossbow shots
    (Hit me up fam)

  2. SwgMcMuff said:

    I can play demo, and sometimes get my spam to hit people. Hit me up

  3. love-spattered festi said:

    Fresh meat medic, here. got nothing to my name that I have on hand to show, but I feel like I’m alright.

  4. Space Scout: noidea said:

    i can play medic and solly if you want

  5. Drunken said:

    Medic, hit me up

  6. Patotu_13 said:

    Hey I can play solider and medic (more medic) and I have a mic. I´m not experienced with TF2 competitive and I´m from Slovakia.

  7. Archimedes said:

    I would like to play medic for your team. I have a measly 200 hours of tf2 experience but I am a team player and I always give it my best shot

  8. Archimedes said:

    I would like to play medic for your team. I have a measly 200 hours of tf2 experience but I am a team player and I always give it my best shot!

  9. Archimedes said:

    *fresh meat

  10. TheAndroidMAster said:

    medic main, 2000+ hour on which 600 or on medic, have alot of comp experience, also meme expert with a whopping 3terabyte of memes

  11. LaGGy_xD said:

    hi i can play solider or medic just add me and we can talk
    here’s my profile: steamcommunity.com/id/LaGGy_TN

  12. dBubble: GlueEater said:

    Hi i would like to be buddy (Medic), i have a couple of seasons under my belt, being in mid the last 2 seasons. I’m a roamer main but i would like change things up and improve my medical man “Skill”.

  13. BLIZZARD said:

    hey there so i can play solly and medic pretty good i work well as team consider me