ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Mid Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Diablo

Posted: | Last Online:

I\'m making this recruitment post for myself and two friends, since we want to join the same team.

We are looking for a mature European team for the ETF2L highlander competition.

I\'m Diablo, 25 years old and from the Netherlands. Have been playing FPS games since 2001 and been competitive in many games, but not in TF 2. Have been playing TF 2 since 2007 on public servers. The classes that I would like to play are Scout/Soldier/Demoman/Heavy and Medic.

The other two players are Roman (22 years old, Dutch) and MayhemZ (23 years old, Finnish). Roman can play Soldier, Scout/ Medic/Engineer/Demoman/Sniper and Spy. MayhemZ prefers to play Spy/ Heavy/ Demoman and Medic but can also do other classes when needed.

We are available during monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday and sundays.

So if your team is looking for three more players that are quite allround contact me through ETF2L, steam or xfire (diablo85)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:11100567 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Crucial Team [6v6] UncleZombie
Joined Crucial Team [6v6] UncleZombie
Left Vaginal Attack Commanders [Highlander] bon
Joined Vaginal Attack Commanders [Highlander] bon

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  1. Roman said:

    I’d say we’re still looking for a team!

  2. Diablo said:

    Bump. Still looking.

  3. DIEHARD said:

    You should read the rules about Highlander Competition.

  4. Roman said:


    Can you elaborate? :)

  5. Diablo said:

    And another bump.