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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Macedonia cxcgxyg

Posted: | Last Online:

i play soldier and stuff
my accent is pretty eastern but its understandable
i got a little below 400 hrs as soldier,and do a lot of mixes and stuff
also play shit tons of bball so my deathmatch is decent i guess
i roam btw.
i enjoy jumping so im pretty good at some unusual jumps through choke or any other place…
I've been in a few teams before,and know my role..
anyway thats it..

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83589958 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Team Mate [Highlander] Team mate
Left Lokum [6v6] cxcgxyg
Joined Lokum [6v6] Scoffer
Joined Team Team Mate [Highlander] san alex
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] cxcgxyg
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] cxcgxyg
Left Interstellar overdrive [6v6] Marmite
Left DAoliHVAR [1v1] cxcgxyg
Joined supper [2v2] cxcgxyg
Joined Interstellar overdrive [6v6] cxcgxyg
Joined DAoliHVAR [1v1] cxcgxyg

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 3 265
View Div 5 13 435
View Div 5/Div 6 0 139


  1. san alex said:

    he is both gud in vidya games and as a person so.. take him fast! :p

  2. Swann: said:

    Cool, easy-going guy with amazing jumping capabilities, which enable him to play a tricky Roamer. Does very fine on a Div 4/5 level. His English is more than understandable, so also no worries in this area.

  3. HBFS said:

    Very good roamer. Jumps everywhere and everytime u want him to jump, like mario, actually. Should handle d4 with no problems. Needs a strong maincaller. Gl!

  4. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Played medicalman with this guy and enjoyed giving him the healings.

  5. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:


  6. cxcgxyg said:


  7. juan: adios said:

    will make you laugh, gets the picks, knows the roll, should be a great pick up for any div4/5 team

  8. Nikola said:

    professional peder

  9. cxcgxyg said:

    i am pretty profesional at it thats true

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