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Medic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Chronos

Posted: | Last Online:

Want to join a 6s team, told by Yak in a div 3 mix that I'm alright and should join a div 4 team. Hit me up if you're div 4+ and cool guys with ambition and bants

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:61336743 Add Friend

Team History

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Left England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] kuli
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Left ( ° ʖ °) It’s time ( ° ʖ °) [2v2] Chronos
Left Bad at ez game [1v1] Chronos
Left The Agency [6v6 Fun Team] Chronos
Left open_squad [Highlander] Chronos
Joined open_squad [Highlander] Zamparonie
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] MatteX
Left Pizza Police [Highlander] Chronos
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] drew
Left GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] Chronos
Joined GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] Teatime
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] DCS
Left Unknown Gaming [6v6] Chronos
Joined Unknown Gaming [6v6] BeS
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Left Captain LANet [LAN Team] RTC
Joined ( ° ʖ °) It’s time ( ° ʖ °) [2v2] Chronos
Left Victor's Voracious Vore [2v2] Chronos
Joined Captain LANet [LAN Team] RTC
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Left Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC [6v6] gouldie
Joined Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC [6v6] gouldie
Left Joseph Skull [6v6] Chronos
Joined Joseph Skull [6v6] Funs
Left Bureau [6v6] Chronos
Joined Bad at ez game [1v1] Chronos
Joined Victor's Voracious Vore [2v2] Chronos
Joined Bureau [6v6] Chronos
Left Team of Smashing Gentlemen [6v6] FusionSoldier
Joined Team of Smashing Gentlemen [6v6] FusionSoldier
Left The Bureau 6s [6v6] Chronos
Joined The Agency [6v6 Fun Team] Chronos
Joined The Bureau 6s [6v6] Chronos
Left High(t) Dudes [6v6] HightDetal
Joined High(t) Dudes [6v6] HightDetal
Left The Bureau [6v6] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [6v6] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos

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View Div 4/Div 5 0 308
View Div 4/Div 5 0 268
View Div 4 1 477


  1. yak said:

    I think he’s good!

  2. bejcn: :elephant: said:

    counted ubers

    med merc

  3. Condawg: DTR said:


  4. Funs said:

    Really good scout medic, would do well paired with a strong maincaller scout (FUNS) and then he’d be one of the stronger scouts medics in div4. Has bags of dm ability to pop the uber and pretty good gamesense but lacks a bit of timing with pushes crossbow aim, which as said is easily fixed by a good maincaller SCOUT.

  5. Funs said:

    Really good scout medic, would do well paired with a strong maincaller scout and then he’d be one of the stronger scouts medics in div4. Has bags of dm ability to pop uber and pretty good gamesense but lacks a bit of timing with pushes crossbow aim, which as said is easily fixed by a good maincaller yak.

  6. Included_Middle: :think: said:

    Can hold down mouse 1 longer than anyone else, easily div 4.

  7. Villdjack: (twisted) - :think: said:

    played with ms in a tf2center must be really keen and good

  8. RTC said:

    he’s pretty cute, would love to build a strong, healthy relationship with a pocket

  9. nole: BWB said:

    probably the best med eu

  10. Piplup: TC said:

    I will mentor Ben for the rest of my life, I love you with all my heart soul and mind, and i think your a reasonable medic. :]

  11. Piplup: TC said:


  12. Waffy Wuck: TC - TC:A said:

    I shudder as I feel a large hand moving up my thighs. I open my eyes and there he is. The ogrelord. BEN. I hug him so tight and press my erection against him. He places me on my stomach and inserts the Shrock into my anus. Pure bliss. I look into his eyes, and he says ‘don’t worry now aye? I’m ogre the moon for yeh’.

  13. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Dally was riding the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts with her best friend Edwart Cullen. She had just found out she was a witch and a vampire with Edward and now they were going to school to train to be better.

    “Edward do you miss Bella?” I asked

    “Grr I don’t want to talk about Bella” Edward said

    “Oh are you guys fighting?” I asked.

    “She is just being a cunt!!” he yelled “She thinks I like you… um I mean…”

    “Why would she say that?” Dally asked.

    “Um well uh”

    KNOCK KNOCK!!! Suddenly there was a sound at the door of the trolly

    “I am going around with candy would you like to buy someone?” came the voice from the door.

    “YES COME IN” yelled Edward, he wanted a distraction.

    The door slid open and in came a boy with big spiky black hair and black clothes and he had his arm wrapped up.

    “My name is Hiei” he said, “I am selling these candies to pay for my trip to Hogwarts…” he showed them the tray and there were Burties Botts and Candy Frogs with cards on them.

    Edward noticed that Dally was staring at Hiei and growled “We aren’t interested go away.”

    “Oh okay” Hiei said “WAIT”

    “I am would like to buy some Buties Botts!” said Dally enthusiastically and smiling. She reached for some and touched hands with Hiei… Edwad grred.

    “Oh um well… that will be… okay well it is free for you!” Hiei said he was flustered because he touched hands with Dally. He thought she was very cute.

    “THANK YOU!” said Dally.

    Hiei left and Dally began to ate the beans.

    “So do you like that guy?” Edward asked.

    “Of course, he gave me free food! He is very nice” Dally said happy.

    Suddenly they arrived at Hogwarts and uncame from the train.

    They were greeted by a big wizard with a long white bear and a pointy hat and he said, “Come students, follow me to the great hall and we will eat and get you sorted!”

    Dally and Edward got into a boat and went into the Great Hall with Dumbeldore. They sat down at a table coincidentally right next to there friend from the ship Hiei! Dally was also sitting next to a black and red hedgehog.

    “My name is Shadow” said the hedgehog.

    Edward began to grr again. “Why are you all talking to Dally he said?

    “Calm down…” said Dally “He is my best friend, he gets a little territorial sometimes.”

    “Oh okay” said Shadow.

    “Aight!” said Dumbledore “I will now sort you into the hat”

    One by on each of the students (and hedgemice because there are some sonic characters) came up to the sorting hat. It told poems for the houses: there is Gryffindor, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

    “Edward Cullen…..” said the hat, “SLYTHERING!”

    Edward put on a silver and green scarf and sat down a table at the end. He winked at Delly as if to say “Come to my house”

    “Shadow…. SLYTHERIN!”

    Shadow put on a silver and green scarf and sat down next to Edward. “Gee I hope she gets Slytherin” thought Shadow.

    “Hiei….. SLYTHERIN!”

    Hiei put on a silver and green scarf and sat down next to Shadow and Edward. He could not stop grazing at Dally…

    Now it was Dally’s turn. “DALLY” called the hat. She was beckoned and so went up. The boys did a drumroll with their feet.


    Dally’s face fell off.. she could not believe it! The boys looked so disappointed. She sadly put on he black and blue scarf and sat at a table with a group of strangers…

    Lucky she found her friends Charla, Annie and Meagan at her table! “Hey guys I didn’t know you were witches!”

    “Yes we are we just found out this summer” said Meagan. “I cant believe we are in the same house!”

    So there was good news after all. They began to head back to there home rooms when Hiei stopped Dally in the hall.

    “Listen Dally I want to tell you something” said Hiei “I like you.”

    “I like you too Hieie” she said softly.

    Then he kissed her and their lips met, like fire.

    “Ok ok that’s enough” said a voice. It was Proffessor Umbrudge the defense against dark arts teacher, “Go to your rooms”

    “I’ll see you tomorrow” said Hiei and kissed her again

    “I SAID ENOUGH GOD DAMMIT” shouted the Proffessor

    “Bye!” said Dally
    They left and from the darkness two eyes watched. IT was Edward he was mad….

  14. RTC said:

    Todd Grisham walks up the Destroyer (who is seating in a chair backstage) to try and get an interview.

    Todd Grisham: Ah, The Destoryer, you mind giving an interview?
    The Destroyer: …………….
    Todd Grisham: Ok, I’ll take that as a yes
    The Destroyer: ………………..
    Todd Grisham: First Of I would like to welcome you to the WWE.
    The Destroyer:……………..
    Todd Grisham: Ok, I’m going to get straight to the point, why did you attack the undertaker?
    The Destroyer:………………
    Todd Grisham: OK, thanks for the interview
    Todd Grisham goes to leave when the destroyer stands up
    The Destroyer: You see Todd, the answer to the question is that I like to hurt people and I know I’m going to hurt you
    The Destroyer chokeslams Todd Grisham
    The Destroyer: Thanks for the interview, Todd!
    The Destroyer laughs and walks away

  15. nole: BWB said:

    TL;DR = op is a faggot

  16. reversePsychologist said:

    Ben in div4? more like in uh
    yeah divpoor sounds about right

    jk he’s div4lright

  17. Funs said:

    Mild on the periometer, div 4 good to go

  18. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Looks like he’s sandbagging div 4.

    jk he’s shit

  19. RTC said:
