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SniperSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Portugal Dante >AA>

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, I'm looking for a team for season 15
I’m a soldier i dont mind playing as pocket, but i prefer roamer i’m not a rager,i speak good english and i’m active :)
Add me to trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:112296235 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Virtus.doge dv6>dv4 [6v6] Easyo.O
Joined Virtus.doge dv6>dv4 [6v6] sermaisleve
Left Dante2strong [1v1] Dante >AA>
Left The Twintail Tsunderes [6v6 Fun Team] Dante >AA>
Left Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Dante >AA>
Left Twintail Tsunderes [6v6] Dante >AA>
Joined Twintail Tsunderes [6v6] Dante >AA>
Joined The Twintail Tsunderes [6v6 Fun Team] Dante >AA>
Joined Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Dante >AA>
Left Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Dante >AA>
Joined Dante2strong [1v1] Dante >AA>
Joined Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Dante >AA>
Left Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Scarlett
Joined Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse [Highlander] Dante >AA>

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open/Mid 0 316
View Open/Mid 1 417
View Div 4/Div 5 9 739
View Div 4/Div 5 28 1697
View Prem/Div 1 12 620
View Div 4/Div 5 9 781
View Div 5 1 516
View Div 4 4 386


  1. sermaisleve said:

    lool, dante = loser

  2. Dante >AA> said:

    lmao get de_molish’d shitlord, mge me again low life aspergic kid

  3. Skilless said:

    Aspergic kids.

  4. Psycho Killer said:

    There’s no need to lie about playing in div4/3 teams ; D

  5. Skilless said:

    Psyco and sermaisleve (supposedly division 3 demo) —> losing games in div 6 rofl

  6. Dante >AA> said:

    n1 m8 but im 2 stronk for div 6 and 5, players are bad and bad comms

  7. Skilless said:

    rofl aspergic kids TRYING to make dante cry.

  8. rusk0: |LP| said:

    my mad sense is tingling

  9. Skilless said:


  10. Skilless said:


  11. Skilless said:

    Chill yo

  12. Dante >AA> said:


  13. Dante >AA> said:

    >comes to a etf2l profile to whine about other players skills LOL
    >calls them bad
    >loses to div6

    pls stop being such low life spastic boys
    go back to your matrix gaming servers

  14. Skilless said:

    then they say they’re mad sense is tingling

  15. Dante >AA> said:

    >mad sense is tingling
    >only thing tingling is their tiny dicks
    >when they see they cant come up with decent arguments

  16. Psycho Killer said:

    Dafuq? Mas voces andaram a fumar pintelhos do cu ou que?

  17. sermaisleve said:

    14:37 – ser mais “leve”: se fose a ti metia juizo na cabeça
    14:48 – Dante ?: a serio ser
    14:48 – Dante ?: tu
    14:48 – Dante ?: a dizeres para eu meter juizo
    14:48 – Dante ?: na cabeça
    14:52 – ser mais “leve”: oh desculpa tas a altura do blind e do seph
    14:52 – Dante ?: o blind
    14:52 – ser mais “leve”: es mt leet
    14:52 – Dante ?: da ultima bvez
    14:52 – Dante ?: ganhei-lhe
    14:55 – ser mais “leve”: a q ?? e por quant?? e o q iso interesa
    14:55 – ser mais “leve”: podes ser bom no mge, mas sem game sense es pato
    14:55 – Dante ?: lol
    14:55 – Dante ?: sem gamesenseeu
    14:55 – ser mais “leve”: div 6 pra ti
    14:56 – Dante ?: olha
    14:56 – Dante ?: div4
    14:56 – Dante ?: o meu gamesense
    14:56 – Dante ?: é melhor que varios div2 e 1
    14:56 – ser mais “leve”: oh quant desculpa
    14:56 – Dante ?: lol
    14:56 – ser mais “leve”: quant fiz um trial nao parecia nada
    14:56 – ser mais “leve”: diso
    14:56 – Dante ?: que falta de argumentação
    14:57 – Dante ?: nessa altura eu mal sabia o que e que se fazia nisso lol
    14:57 – Dante ?: e com o portatil que parece uma torradeira
    14:57 – Dante ?: nao e facil
    14:57 – ser mais “leve”: opa n me digas q em 3 -4 meses es logo div 4
    14:57 – Dante ?: ya
    14:58 – Dante ?: nao é dificil
    15:02 – ser mais “leve”: quants equipas ja tivest e q ja jogast na etf2l
    15:02 – ser mais “leve”: ??
    15:03 – Dante ?: 4
    15:03 – Dante ?: uma era div3
    15:03 – Dante ?: svamp
    15:03 – Dante ?: nessa altura hackaram-me a conta principal lol
    15:06 – ser mais “leve”: a comunidade adora t
    15:09 – ser mais “leve”: 4equipas q nem droppam ou nem jogaram na etf2l, n sei onde esegame sense tod veio , mas como dizes n e dificil
    15:12 – Dante ?: eu entrei nessa altura, mas na etf2l nao dava para me juntar.
    15:14 – ser mais “leve”: deculpa mas eses n tao, nem participaram na etf2l
    15:14 – ser mais “leve”: ent n fizest nada
    15:16 – ser mais “leve”: pois diz muito mas n mostras nada
    15:16 – ser mais “leve”: q equipas foram
    15:17 – ser mais “leve”: ??
    15:17 – Dante ?: spqr
    15:17 – Dante ?: tb sky ou la como eles se chamam agora
    15:17 – ser mais “leve”: jogas por eles ??
    15:17 – Dante ?: nao
    15:17 – Dante ?: deixei a team lol
    16:13 – ser mais “leve”: podes me contar o teu segredo??
    16:13 – Dante ?: posso
    16:14 – Dante ?: nao se chamar ser mais “leve”
    16:14 – Dante ?: ser um bom troll
    16:14 – Dante ?: e destruir lobbies
    16:15 – ser mais “leve”: tivest 4 equipas e maior parte foi so trial como e consegues vencer gajos div4. como se faz iso?
    16:16 – Dante ?: lol
    16:16 – Dante ?: nem e preciso
    16:16 – Dante ?: jogar em nenhuma team
    16:16 – Dante ?: lol
    16:17 – ser mais “leve”: e como ganhast tanto game sense?
    16:18 – Dante ?: pratica
    16:18 – Dante ?: e trolling ajuda
    16:18 – Dante ?: trollar o pessoal é fixe
    16:18 – ser mais “leve”: ok
    16:19 – ser mais “leve”: ent pk q aind n encontrast nenhum equipa pra etf2l?? o teu skill de div 4 devia ser facil
    16:19 – Dante ?: ja estou a fazer trial para 2
    16:21 – ser mais “leve”: posivelment es quase o melhor soldado pt nem divs low tip 3 e 4
    16:21 – ser mais “leve”: podes ir jogar com haunter e o coinz
    16:22 – ser mais “leve”: poderia ser facil
    16:22 – Dante ?: eles
    16:22 – Dante ?: n valem nada
    16:22 – Dante ?: lol
    16:22 – ser mais “leve”: davas na boca deles
    16:22 – Dante ?: destrui-os no deathmatch

  18. rusk0: |LP| said:

    dante tens 10 anos ne? pelo menos de mentalidade e o q parece

  19. Skilless said:

    chill yo!

  20. Dante >AA> said:

    Omg, where do i start with you… try making up better names because “ser mais “leve” blynk” e psycho killer are all fucking shit names, better to call yourselves “undecidedpineapple99” , “underdevelopped chromozones” or simply “xxxdeathbysniperxxx1995”
    i litteraly couldnt care less about your fail comments in portuguese, as im not anywhere near of even thinking about joining a fucking bad portuguese team, nice try though.
    Next time try to think of better things because you are making a fool out of yourselves.

  21. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Start with div6 then stay there

  22. Psycho Killer said:

    OMG DUDA / DANTE SUCH A GREAT NAME OMG BEST NAME EVA!!! –” You wouldn’t join a portuguese team because no one likes you :D Stop saying shit and complaining and start playing. I agree with svins play div 6, no try div 5 since you have a good aim and stuff, play a season and then you will see what it’s all about.

  23. Dante >AA> said:

    LOL pls call more friends to backup your comments and suppositions >_pls try playing a third of what i play , and beat me in mge or dm or whatever you want, then you can tell me to join your div6 teams k boys

  24. Skilless said:

    u all suck

  25. Dr.KriPtz: |LP| - A4 said:

    maybe his dm could be div 4. he´s a kid who don t have a life, and spend the whole day at MGE. His brain is like div7, and he is a smug, and he stays very happy when he wins a MGE game. Im not the only one who thinks like that,( as you can see above me) he was rejected for portuguese community because he is such a noobish. You are good at MGE but at a 6v6 game you dont do shit. If you are a decent div 4 team dont pick him (even a div 6 team shouldnt pick him because he is a fucking cocky).

    PS: ganhaste- me no mge, mas a minha main class nao é soldier, é medic! Ah, e Dante nao vou criar nenhuma team div 4 (tava a gozar contigo), eu nao tenho a mania das grandezas prefiro jogar divs mais baixas treinando a outra classe. O ser+ leve e o psycho killer tem cabeça nao e como tu. Se tu tivesses outra atitude nao duvido que te tornes div 4, mas com essa atitude de retardado e com essa gamesense de merda, stay in div 6 pls.

  26. Scriptzon said:

    Dante és o Ronaldo do tf2?

  27. Psycho Killer said:

    Oh and skilless if we all suck, why did I beat you on mge? Following your logic I’m better than you! So gg son.

  28. Dante >AA> said:

    dont speak to me or your gonna get your feelings hurt, btw want me to link our little fail chat to pastebin? i could also make a reference to your bad english but imnot perfect in any way so i wont do it, i couldnt care less about spastic pt kids raging on my alt etf2l profile (yes this isnt even mymain profile)
    GG big boys

    get more of your matrix gaming friends to comment here cuz that way more people will come a see my profile ….

    ill keep the comments for a while, as me and my friends are enjoying the good time you have given us kthx bai

  29. Dante >AA> said:

    psycho boy even if you beat skilless in mge it doesnt matter, refering to kryptzy dm doesnt help at all in 6vs6 (at least thats what he thinks) people with poor dm and god like gamesense cant do much, dm is important as well as gamesense, pls stop being so competitive over a fucking easy game like this.

    >btw stop and think b4 commenting the next fairly underdevelopped insult or trolling?
    >crawl back to your matrix gaming servers once again.
    >krptzy dont cry. my main isnt soldier either rofl
    its sniper. soldier is my 6vs6 trollling class k babe?

  30. Skilless said:

    psyco that’s true :O how can u be so pro?

  31. steez said:

    wannabe get a life and l2p…

  32. Dr.KriPtz: |LP| - A4 said:

    idc if you post my fail trolling. Matrix Servers? see my teams history i played div 4 medic (my main class) and now im offclassing at div 5, because i play this game to have fun, not to be the higher div player. Have you played a season,even in d6? NO!! Dm is important, but with a poor gamesense you cant do shit( i didnt say that dm doesnt help lol). You are the one who should go to matrix servers lol. Get a brain pls!

  33. Dante >AA> said:

    cba with youth these days, m8 im 2stronk 4 u u cant handle me .
    atitude = gamesense???
    lol no pls i’d ask for your brain, but it looks likei it doesnt work very well.
    gamesense has nothing to do with my atitude or game style so dont imply i dont have gamesense when you barely know me.

    tiagooo: madjicK – Na’ve said:

    March 19th, 2013 at 15:56

    wannabe get a life and l2p…

    #more pts joining your cause gg boy
    >tells me to get a life
    >keeps spamming a etf2l profile
    >implies i need to learn to play and get a life

  34. Dante >AA> said:

    >sits on computer all day spamming etf2l profiles
    >sounds fat
    >implies people have no life
    >simply cant handle 1 player
    #needs more friends to help and backup the comments

    BTW thx for the views

  35. Dante >AA> said:


  36. Dr.KriPtz: |LP| - A4 said:

    can you read? i never said that gamesense= attitude Yeah ofc that U ARE 2STRONK, ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!

  37. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    strong aim

    but just sort of runs around the map like a headless chicken, think he might have genuinely got lost on badlands, runs into buffed soldiers (but actually wins sometimes) and is of course, as shown in these comments, seriously bad attitude.

  38. Dante >AA> said:

    Dr.KriPtz: _v.S_ – A4 said:

    March 19th, 2013 at 18:04

    can you read? i never said that gamesense= attitude Yeah ofc that U ARE 2STRONK, ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!
    Mould: cc// – has $w@G said:

    March 20th, 2013 at 00:58

    strong aim

    but just sort of runs around the map like a headless chicken, think he might have genuinely got lost on badlands, runs into buffed soldiers (but actually wins sometimes) and is of course, as shown in these comments, seriously bad attitude.

    ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!ahahahah ridiculous. Grow up and stop crying kid!

    >keeps spamming my profile with another friend LOL quite underdevelopped minds.
    >up until this point in time i never laughed so hard
    >implies i cry when you almost kneel down and beg me to play 1 more match in mge
    >still sounds fat

    still would like to know who mould is though, because he looks quite autistic implying i get lost in badlands.
    ###n1 m8 pls think inb4 commenting or you’ll get demolished###
    once again

  39. Fisherman Mamadu: |LP| said:

    devias fazer equipa com o aka game ele tambem e div 3 :DDDDD

  40. :blind.pt said:

    lol. this is so much fun xD … if i remember we only played one and i won like 20:5 ..and i didnt even had to try…. ur ego is 10 time ur skill