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MedicScoutSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Italy Leif

Posted: | Last Online:


So, since I still dont know if I'll be able to make a team for the 6th Cup because fun team are not allowed, in the meantime I'm looking for a team to play with for it.
In case I will, I'll just play with my team and delete this recruitment post.

My main class is Medic and I consider myself div 5/4 skill with tons of experience at this level, I might afford playing div 4 with the right team since I play lot of mixes at that level as well.
However I'd rather play Scout/Solly in the cup and althogh I dont have any real experience at these classes, I think I can play comfortably at a div 5 level according to mixes and general dm.

So, here's a summary:

– Div 5 Scout and solly, and Div 5/4 Medic
– Decent DM
– Not great english but I have no problem at making calls and I have experience in an english speaking team as well
– Keen, Can play most days between 20.30/21 to 23 and in the afternoon as well.
– Not raging
– Preferibly not backup

– A div 5 team that plays the unlocks cup but misses a scout/solly, in case medic if I dont receive any offers for them
– Practise a bit (2/3 times a week would be perfect)
– Non-ragers
– Have mumble and a server

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User Profile | SteamID: U:1:200526761 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] mèx
Joined Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] BeS
Joined Autismo [6v6 Fun Team] BeS
Left Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] Dingo
Left rest in pizza [6v6] Leif
Joined Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] Dingo
Left Otaku Yohei [Highlander] Leif
Joined rest in pizza [6v6] Leif
Left +forward [6v6] Dingo
Joined Otaku Yohei [Highlander] Leif
Joined +forward [6v6] Leif
Left we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Left grigri [Highlander] Leif
Left Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6 Fun Team] Leif
Joined we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Left Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6] Leif
Joined grigri [Highlander] Leif
Joined Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6] Leif
Left we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Joined Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6 Fun Team] Leif
Joined Do you even [2v2] Leif
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] Leif
Joined we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Left No Talent [6v6] Leif
Left Canzoni Sarde di Nofe Troddio [Highlander] Leif
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] Leif
Joined No Talent [6v6] Leif
Left Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Leif
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Leif
Left Mou-Team [6v6] Leif
Joined Canzoni Sarde di Nofe Troddio [Highlander] caeli
Joined Mou-Team [6v6] Jaack
Left Angry Mosquitoes [6v6] Leif
Joined Angry Mosquitoes [6v6] Irdaxs
Left GoV Highlander [Highlander] Leif
Joined GoV Highlander [Highlander] Leif

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 15 726
View Div 3/Div 4 0 76
View Div 4 17 1098
View Div 5 16 586
View Div 5 4 401
View Div 5 8 383


  1. Asso said:

    Good guy,very keen. Take him

  2. rts: PrettyGay said:

    div 4 med, and a nice guy also. gl man

  3. Leif said:

    Gimme more trials pls!

  4. frix: LG said:

    nice guy to play with^^