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ScoutSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania cufky

Posted: | Last Online:

Ok, i'm sitting in lan here now thinking about coming back to tf2.
So i'd shoot for you as roamer or scout.
add me.
I used to play in div 3 as a scout, after that went to div 4 team as roamer solly, then i took a break from tf2. Now after the lan I'm looking for a friendly team to improve myself :)
I can shoot people
so yeah thx

http://www.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv/b/581585566 Beta Lan – Lithuania
(starts at 40 minutes) ^^^ Check one of my matches in lan :p

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83177546 Add Friend

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Left Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] cufky
Joined nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] RenTas
Left KRASAVA [6v6] cufky
Joined Bachuru servo ereliai [Highlander] Teddy <3
Joined KRASAVA [6v6] Sornaz
Left THE HOOD [6v6] cufky
Left DIG Deep [Highlander] shimmy
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  1. z3kron: /Rimti/ said:

    Ace -9 midpick @ Beta Lan

    Witness from the location.

  2. NeuTronas said:

    Medic down, medic down, medic down, medic down, medic down. Impressive bombing @ LAN. GJ

  3. Slliter said:

    Mvp for his team lan, also borrowed me his mouse pad. Pick this guy up.

  4. stephen said:

    impressed me on stream :>

  5. nukkye said:

    good roamer :>

  6. DL said:

    he didn’t have a working mic for gullywash in that game so he just shouted medic down so we could hear it :D


  7. Telepathic Ryuu said:

    Could hear people swearing after they get picked from him #confirmed was coordinating the Lan :D

  8. FIR: SnG said:

    NICE WE HAVE ADVANTAGE PUUUUUUUSH -your medic @betalan thanks to you

  9. Sornaz said:

    rekt him on lan ez.
    Srsly great guy,great player you should try him out asp

  10. baccart: IsF:LT said:

    Better than me

  11. evokje: WiK? said:

    Great dm from what i saw at lan. Any d2 team looking for a soldier should try him out.

  12. guz said:

    impressive DM

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