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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany Cracky-

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I am looking for a team to play DIVISION 5/DIVISION4 as pocket Soldier and no lower. I have been searching for a long time so am greatly interested in playing the next season. If div 5 let it be top div 5 pls

– I consider myself to be a good pocket Soldier, I will be able to train and play frequently, frequent practices are important.
– I can usually play officials/PCWs/maptalks etc. from 6 CET – 9 CET for 4 days a (+/- 30min.) week and all day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, unless something crops up.
– Have been playing on and off for Two years, and played competitively for almost 1.5 years.
– I can main call if necessary, but I would rather someone else did.
– I endorse criticisms, I find them incredibly helpful for myself and other players, don't sugar coat anything, be blunt.

What I would expect
– Season 17 (not entirely necessary)
– Age: 15
– Frequent practices, but can still be lenient on occasion.
– Players to be of a high skill level, good DM and game sense.
– English speaking.
– Own a server. (Mumble)
– Good to talk to, fun etc.

Thanks for the time,

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:114618838 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined RagingNerdsGaming [2v2] Cracky-
Joined Cracked? [1v1] Cracky-
Left shut^ e-sports [6v6] Cracky-
Joined shut^ e-sports [6v6] Cracky-

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View Div 5 3 270


  1. Beetle said:

    Good player, pick him up! :D

  2. T0m: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    nice guy, good soldier. glgl.

  3. Rising: MAFIA said:

    really good aim for div5 , worth a try

  4. OCTANE said:

    just a general life advice. dont play nonstop i mean 4 days a 3 hours and the weekend full time. sorry but get some hobbies and you’ll enjoy playing more

  5. Crack> :o3 said:

    HAHA, i dont play full Time there i only have time to play There!;) wheni play then i play there in this time zone. I play regular 30hours past 2weeks.

  6. Crack> :o3 said:


  7. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    tf2 is a hobby, isnt it?

    dont listen to these nerds, play hard go pro.

    gl with your team search

  8. Crack> :o3 said:

    oh thanks!:D gl in div1/prem ;)

  9. FonexiA said:

    He is the best.

  10. wardemon: myx said:

    good solly be good for any div 5 team

  11. Titzie said:

    Great soldier, Nice dm, Nice/funny guy. pick him b4 anyone else does.

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