ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSniperSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany Cons

Posted: | Last Online:

Yep, im making a recruitment post for tf2.
Just so you know i thought about this for a long time, and wasnt sure if i shouldnt just quit tf2.
But yeah, here i am making a recruitment post as a SUBSTITUTE for div 4/5.
While everybody else was playing s14 with there herpaderp teams, i just scrimmed with my old 6s team laconic.
I played pocket soldier in many div 3 scrims with this team, but apparently this doesnt mean anything to all of the dickheads the tf2 community has to offer. So i thought to myself, the best thing would be to play div 4/5 in s15 so i have a proof for those retards, that i can play div 3 in s16. I can play every class up to div 4 but demoman. I can maincall.
If you understand my point i would be glad about a trial and if not – just go and fuck yourself
Have a nice day =)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:122439963 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined fov_desired 90 [6v6] Cons
Left The Manissons [6v6 Fun Team] Mani
Joined The Manissons [6v6 Fun Team] Cons
Left Yolostrat [6v6] Cons
Joined Yolostrat [6v6] Cons
Left Team Laconic #2STRONK [6v6] Cons
Joined Multiple Orgasms [Highlander] Cons
Joined Team Laconic #2STRONK [6v6] Cons
Left Team Desolus [6v6] Emsee
Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Cons

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 2 221
View Div 3 11 251
View Div 4 8 355


  1. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:

    mit der match history? fang lieber weiter unten an…GL

  2. Cons: fov_ - .org said:

    obvious troll right there

  3. Cons: fov_ - .org said:

    mad cuz harz-vier empfänger without life und trotzdem div 5? :)

  4. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:

    schade das du gleich beleidigend wirst…war nur ein gut gemeinter rat…aber ok du schaffst das schon…. scheinst ja bei 250h spiel zeit genug erfahrung zu haben ;) GL

  5. Cons: fov_ - .org said:

    dass istn scheiß alt account lol. hiers mein anderer =) ich kann dich auch gerne mit dem adden wenn du mir nicht glaubst lol. http://steamcommunity.com/id/tatibald

  6. NKF: [HA] - #T4F said:

    wie du meinst…GL

  7. Fleischpanzer: \\V/ » - vier said:

    Ändere lieber deinen Rec-Post ab, mit so einem wird es dir sicher schwer fallen Sympathiepunkte zu sammeln.

  8. Ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    amazing, simply amazing. just as good as his last recruitment thread, but at least the skill level he is searching seems to be leaning towards the correct one now… even though he was adamant about his div3 last time around.

    perhaps you should just quit tf2 and enjoy one of the other, actually good and not dieing games, that are also not full of retards.

  9. Rdios: REVERTO said:


  10. Netsky said:

    hey, backup könnten wir gebrauchen – add falls interesse an einem testspiel

  11. amppis: DTR said:

    Found him bragging on a russian pub about him playing comp, hes an annoying cunt and fairly bad at solly. Was so butthurt after I removed him that he decided to post hate on all of my youtube videos. Bad pick for any team.