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Sniper  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Germany Chime

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm mostly working early shifts and finally got time to main now!
Give me a chance before you judge me and I'll prove my worth after some derusting :> ♥

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:103875317 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left HerbsArmy [6v6] NKF
Left 0 Friends Online [Highlander] juni
Joined 0 Friends Online [Highlander] BrannMolvik Norway
Left killer bean army [Highlander] Chime
Joined killer bean army [Highlander] HeeSang
Left otoINSTINCT Clan [Highlander] HeeSang
Joined otoINSTINCT Clan [Highlander] HeeSang
Left Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Chime
Joined Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Spyro
Left Team 4 Friends Highlander [Highlander] Chime
Joined Team 4 Friends Highlander [Highlander] Samus
Left NORLY's Rockets Love You [Highlander] Chime
Joined HerbsArmy [6v6] JohnnyBambo
Left Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] Chime
Joined NORLY's Rockets Love You [Highlander] Divine
Left redrumers [Highlander] lybon
Joined redrumers [Highlander] lybon
Left Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Chime
Joined Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] I am a bear
Left Carrying Ryuu [6v6] Chime
Joined Carrying Ryuu [6v6] Leagle_
Joined Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Aoshi
Left Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Chime
Left moé [6v6 Fun Team] Chime
Left Dribble [6v6] Chime
Joined Dribble [6v6] smky
Left Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] Chime
Joined Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] JustJosh
Left Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] Chime
Joined Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] lawn-ornament
Left FOR THE LOGS! [Highlander] Chime
Joined moé [6v6 Fun Team] haiku
Joined Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Aoshi
Left RIP Harambe [LAN Team] Aoshi
Joined RIP Harambe [LAN Team] firej
Joined FOR THE LOGS! [Highlander] Broglie de Scarecrow
Left dildo [6v6 Fun Team] Chime
Joined dildo [6v6 Fun Team] ropecar5
Left Rockin' The Gibus [6v6 Fun Team] Chime
Joined Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] Chime
Left Kawaii Klub [6v6] Chime
Joined Kawaii Klub [6v6] Callum97
Joined Rockin' The Gibus [6v6 Fun Team] Catface100

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 24 1089
View High/Mid 10 902
View High/Mid 8 522
View Mid/Open 9 392
View Mid/Open 11 488
View Mid/Open 7 424
View High/Mid 12 582
View High/Mid 26 1241
View Mid/High 14 816
View Mid/High 4 444
View High 11 677
View High 9 619
View High 47 1876
View Mid 35 1578


  1. Ganon said:

    she said it ! she’ll prove she’s worth it !

  2. Argus said:

    Top mid for sure, probably high, awesome snipah

  3. FlameTornado said:

    A very skilled player, perfect sniper main. Listens and adapts quickly, very recommended for serious play. No salt, also does not posses a penis. So you’ve go so many ++++, the only bad part is that she has a boyfriend.

  4. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    it’s chime.

    very yes

  5. xell said:

    shes really good sniper and i believe she can do better if she join a good team.

  6. lukegameage: TC said:

    nice person would recommend on any team

  7. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    lan proven keen and skilled gamer

  8. tXX said:

    she’s back boys!

  9. miknando: myx said:

    easy mid and could do work in high too with a practice

  10. Deo: x22 said:

    Good sniper will hit shots

    Still out sniped chime @lan

  11. The Doctor said:

    great sniper. can get the kills in high

  12. ponche: SSKP said:

    Give her a try you won’t regret it ! Good luck. ;D

  13. Chime said:

    @Deo I was drunk ;-;

  14. Marv said:

    should do well in high if she practises

  15. JustJosh said:

    Lovely person and is more than capable of high

  16. Callum97: W0LF - SENS said:

    Top notch sniper player with a solid drive to win and get better. Only downside is she’s a sniper main. Pick her up!

  17. fstiv_ said:

    best sniper ive seen so far. pick her up

  18. Blue Fang: o0O00o said:

    Shoots heads fast much, imho.

    Every bloody time she says she can’t shoot heads and then she shoots tons of heads and I’m like “See, you shot loads of heads” and she’s like NAAAAAAAW….

    tl;dr she shoots heads much goods and then denies it. may be a serial killer or a top secret military sniper irl, I dunno.

    She’s also really nice and apparently people find her cute when she’s angry I dunno never seen her angry. =D

  19. Yxxo: TSM - pizza said:

    really good sniper, and veeeery nice person :3 much love <333

  20. Wuba: #wubafan said:

    Chill m8, cool at lan and carried us. ez pick

  21. .Constantine: (ETF2L Tomator) - (ノಠOಠ)ノ said:

    tends to underrate herself, strong player if shes really at it, even if she doesnt seem to see it that way most of the time
    anyway needs loving and caring peeps to make her feel comfortable

  22. ElazulTF2 said:

    Shoot heads, kills medics, is a girl.
    What can you ask more ?

  23. WE1RD0: BCBB said:

    Awesome sniper, would definitely recommend picking her up, lovely person too :-)

  24. Deepfried Monkey: GIEL - -Xe- said:

    German sniper, rare thing :)

  25. troy: DTR - troy said:

    really amazing sniper, she can probably do amazing in high and quite possibly prem if you work with her playstyle, can also scout pretty good

  26. proky: G - MM25 said:

    very good, very nice

  27. Kylähullu said:

    Great person and very good sniper, I’d take her in my team but I dont even own a team.. maybe should make one just to get her..

  28. Clark: SDCK! said:

    the loveliest person at d-lan

  29. Mo: 00X said:

    Absolutely solid gamer

  30. swix said:

    Great at clicking on heads, NICE JOB!

  31. Spyro: (ETF2L Donator) - GIEL said:

    High/mid should be easy for her, she’s is quite good at hovering the crosshair over people and clicking her left mouse button exactly when she does so, a valued skill for sure!

    Also a very pleasant person…
    Ya know…
    If you care about such pedantics.

  32. PK said:

    Check it out, she’s back
    Here to whoop ass
    Impressive for Mid
    Made for High
    Even though it’s been a while, give her a trial!

  33. cloudy said:

    give heals see results

  34. Nathalie Hunt said:

    Gib hom, sick flicks and lovely person. Def worth giving her the time to get her practice in for a comeback. Scary sniper to play against.

  35. Qnai: R6S - .awkward said:

    Don’t let the cuteness bluff, she’s a beast sniper! Extremely nice person, trustful and modest. Great pick for any team who seeks to fill their roster with a top notch gamer!

  36. planck said:

    Good gamer

  37. BaaBo: 124 - -Xe- said:

    shoots heads, great friend. underestimates herself way too much

  38. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    German sniper, rare thing :)
    – Milchmann, Nate, Flow, Solid, Nesh, blooddrunk are the most recent Germans playing main sniper in prem (;

    Chime iz gud redhead snipergurl

  39. Wristwatch: *fast said:

    Really talented player who will improve exponentially by having a solid, committed team to play for :)

  40. sp said:

    can easily play top high, pick her up

  41. Aaron said:

    Plays Scout in 6s lobbies sometimes.

  42. .Constantine: (ETF2L Tomator) - (ノಠOಠ)ノ said:


  43. edo7: HV said:

    Chime fucks me harder than i do my body pillow :>

  44. NightWing94 said:

    Really keen and a fun person! Pick her up before its too late!

  45. Aaron said:


  46. Pittsburgh (LoGa): suffering said:

    great sniper, great person, is definitely a good option to have on a team :) take her, I DARE YOU.

  47. Kenny: PETER :) - TC said:

    Very good sniper, great aim, decent positioning, but she’s a girl and girls tend to get pretty emotionally attached to the game so I’d consider picking this one up very carefully.

  48. Chime said:

    aaand bump! still looking for a nice etf2l team :)

  49. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Did I mention she has red hair?

  50. Aaron said:

    Still plays lobbies on Scout sometimes o.o

  51. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    she bullied a kid on SKIAL

    grindin’: I’m not rude, I’m politely telling him to go fuck himself

    good sniper,pick her up :D

  52. Chime said:

    being sassy is part of my french genes o;