ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyPyro  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

England Cheeseburger Cat Enthusiasts

Posted by Techspekje: | Last Online:

Keen team looking for heavy weapons guy (sub) and pyromaniac (sub). We are looking to play mid, with the intention of pushing into high.

We are looking for mature players who are willing to practice and discuss improvements. We encourage positive attitudes from all players. We usually scrim on Tuesday and Thursdays, with games taking place Monday/Thursdays. We don't normally play on the weekends.

For more information or to set up a trial please add Techspekje.

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View High/Mid 5 302
View Mid/Open 1 244


  1. Princess Luna: TC said:


  2. Sam said:

    Hey, I’m a pyro main interested in joining your team.

  3. MichaelZom said:

    Can i ply pyro im a perfect at airblast

  4. Techspekje: Team said:

    Please note we are looking for people who are experienced in playing ETF2L mid division. We are presently still looking for an experienced pyro and heavy.

  5. Zamparonie: MAGDONAL - op_sqd said:

    instructions not clear got stuck in washing machine

  6. Techspekje: Team said:

    We are still looking for subs. Possibly also subs outside heavy and pyro. We do not need soldier or scout subs though. :)