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DemomanEngineerScoutSoldier  Mid/High Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Charlie

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello there,

I've been playing TF2 for a while now and never really gotten into comp and I would love to start. My best class by far is soldier but I can play other classes as well (sadly I am not the best at rocket jumping so I would be better as a defensive soldier).

As I said earlier I am completely new to comp, at the moment I spend my time on pubs and doing some mvm. The closest thing I have done to comp in TF2 is mge. So I would probably need a bit of advice but I think I could contribute to the team

Cheers for reading :3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:167835373 Add Friend

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  1. spammyh: brew said:

    If you’re new you’d should look up for open tier.

  2. Furiosa: 1KLA$ said:

    Freaking Muselk

  3. Alucard: TMH said:

    So I’d be happy to Let you in my team, as it’s for new players. I’ve sent you a FR!

  4. binkkye said:

    ffs Muselk

  5. crazycalumrock: ITIFY - JaR said:

    New players to comp always start off at the Open level, no matter how hard you pubstomp etc

  6. diabalotia said:

    I’ll join. I main spy and have never gotten into comps, would love to start though.

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