ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

France ceza

Posted: | Last Online:

I can finally play normally after two years of boarding school.

About me :
– 20 years old
– Nice
– Keen
– Available 4-5 times per week until about 23-00 CEST
– Div 4 experience ( I haven't played a lot in leagues but I have made some div 4 pcws )

I search around div 4 level but level is not my priority : I search mostly a stable team compound of mature, nice and keen people.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54120727 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Pedraw Multigaming [6v6] Lazybear
Joined Pedraw Multigaming [6v6] Mamba
Left Seriously?! [6v6] ceza
Joined Seriously?! [6v6] KaZzy
Left Creative Mind [6v6] ceza
Left + 1 Chromosome [Highlander] ceza
Joined + 1 Chromosome [Highlander] ryan
Joined Creative Mind [6v6] Mamba
Left Team Luckless [6v6] ceza
Joined Team Luckless [6v6] ceza

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 0 418
View Div 4/Div 5 0 216
View Div 4/Div 5 0 208


  1. Kryptonien said:

    La Team niXorz recrut joueur motivé investis pouvant joué 4 à 5 fois part semaine. La Team a pour but de faire la saison D5 ETF2L et voir avec les membres pour TF2C ou Wireplay.
    L’équipe est composé pour le moment de 2 scout :

    – Seemycube ayant joué D2 Fr et D4 ETF2L
    -Krypto (Moi même )débutant TF2 mais je suis coach part Seemycube et Ramagan

    Nous avons déjà un coach de Team pour strat… Ramagan jouant D3 ETF2L.
    Nous cherchons des Joueurs réellement sérieux pas que pour faire 1 saison.

    Notre But allez en Lan aussi.

    Pour plus d’information add moi ou PV ou RDV mumble Tf2 connexion channel nixorz.

    GL à toi

  2. 4star: MONSOON - GvG said:

    Huge sol. Div 4 for sure :D
    gl ceza!!
    Ps: Passe le salut à Miko

  3. Guzzler said:

    amazing soldier, div4 for sure :) gl!!!

  4. MegaFox: YELL - /Rimti/ said:

    Great soldier, very friendly, after all his learning session he is still have a nice dm skill!!

    gl ceza! :)