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Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Bulgaria Cerber_

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, my nickname is Cerber and I'm looking for div 5/6 team.

About me:
-Playing TF2 since 2008.
-Played for a div 6 team in season 10
-Played mixes and lobbies with teams which are div 4,5
-Can speak pretty good english
-Not raging
-Can take and give criticism

What I'm looking for
-Friendly Teammates
-Serious playing
-TF2/Mumble server would be great if it isn't a problem
-Stable roster
-Basic strategies

If you are interested contact me through steam – http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cerber-

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:67515670 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] Cerber_
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] Cerber_
Left Fenneks eSports [6v6] Cerber_
Joined Fenneks eSports [6v6] Cerber_
Left Over Charge [6v6] Ayelos
Joined Over Charge [6v6] Cerber_
Joined Cerber [1v1] Cerber_
Left fgt [6v6] Cerber_
Joined fgt [6v6] Cerber_
Left Undisputed [6v6] Cerber_
Joined Undisputed Bombs of Bombenstein [Highlander] Cerber_
Joined Undisputed [6v6] Cerber_

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5/Div 6 16 503


  1. KaaKes said:

    Good soldier who can hold top div5

    GL mate

  2. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    One of my best friends, amazing player with decent div5/6 skils, he is learning fast and trying to improve as much as he can! Would recommend for every div5/6 team around! Dont miss him! Good luck “thunder” buddy! <3

  3. i3d: fnx.hl said:

    stronk soldier good comms div 5 shouldn’t be a prob

  4. SandeR: m0. said:

    >learning fast
    >tf2 since 2008
    pick one
    good luck anyway and hf with биологични кръвосмешения.

  5. Warcloud: [MC] said:


  6. Cerber: <uND> said:


  7. n0pe: HFD said:

    gud soldier
    Good luck

  8. Cerber: <uND> said:

    still searching

  9. Bombenstein: <uND> - [Aye!] said:

    CerberBG has been one of the core players in my team,and I’m not even one bit disappointed from him,he has done good,sometimes made a little mistakes,but on key moments,he was the hero! (Pyro.. :D)

    If you want a serious player,with humor and friendly aspect,that’s the guy for you.
    Sometimes he can be a pain in the ass when he loses his fighting spirit,but when he finds an opportunity,he ain’t missing it! Nor he gives up so easily :)

    Cheer him up right…and he becomes a killing machine,with right people and friendly,serious team,he becomes a boss.

  10. huhystah said:

    decent soldier ))

  11. Cerber: <uND> said:

    still searching…

  12. Cerber: <uND> said:

    le bump

  13. Cerber: <uND> said:


  14. Cerber: <uND> said:

    still searching :)

  15. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    friendly bump!

  16. Cerber: <uND> said:


  17. Peign: snapeandjaptorc said:

    i guess i should help with a friendly bump so he doesnt have to do that by himself…

    i played once with him and even tho we mixed at a higher skill level he was doing really well. he reacts fast and plays smartly!

    With the right team he’s able to go way further than div5 one day!

  18. Cerber: <uND> said:

    Thanks Peign =)

  19. Cerber: <uND> said:

    Found team ^^