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EngineerHeavySniperSpy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Sweden Cats

Posted: | Last Online:

Despite being slightly insane, I easily lead a team. I have good comms and that's one of my strong suits.

i've played div6-5-4 pyro at some point
i have no idea how to play it anymore and i do not wish to play it anymore, thank you
i have gamesense i guess
i have 4100 hours
i play 6v6 scout and i usually resort to backburner in order to get 4k's and scream on mumble
i'd like to play d6 or d5 i suppose
i've spare time coming out of my ass
i'm a vegetarian
i've internet that's occasionally terrible and in order to play i have to pay 8 euro/GB
i'm 18 and i speak english and swedish, altho i prefer english
i have good tracking and i can build sentryguns
i'd like to play (not listed in prefered class order altho damn i love heavy man):

"13:20 – TC JustJosh: ctrl and click on the recruitment setup page
13:20 – TC JustJosh: for multi classes"
thank you josh

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:84564053 Add Friend

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Left Aim! Aim! Aim! [Highlander] Blue Fang
Left moé [6v6 Fun Team] haiku
Left Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] Cats
Joined Aim! Aim! Aim! [Highlander] Fluctorissia
Left Crazy Ivan [Highlander] Cats
Joined moé [6v6 Fun Team] haiku
Joined Crazy Ivan [Highlander] haiku
Left the ghosts of saturday night [Highlander] Cats
Joined the ghosts of saturday night [Highlander] Cats
Left Vier // Green ° Highlander [Highlander] Cats
Joined Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] Chime
Left NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] Cats
Joined Vier // Green ° Highlander [Highlander] Swallow
Joined NICE JEWISH GUYS [6v6] puppy
Left Disco_Biscuits [6v6] Cats
Left SuperGoodBest [Highlander] Cats
Joined SuperGoodBest [Highlander] LadyCookieKiller
Joined Disco_Biscuits [6v6] Frawaires
Left Veally, Hinzy? [Highlander] Spyro
Joined Veally, Hinzy? [Highlander] Spyro

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  1. lolaboat said:

    One of the many things he’s good at is pyro, you won’t regret the choice :D

  2. Goom: VH?♥ said:

    better than pewdiepie

  3. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    moi cats

  4. Giddy said:

    don’t even play the game anymore competitive (no lifeing this game isn’t as good as no lifeing mtg like there’s actual real people and proper socialk interactions also a joyous lack of dead ringer amby prats who think they are the next stabby stabby and speaking of stabby stabby everyone hatres him and be like he’s bad at the game and I’m like his approach and attitude to the game was actually the best i’ve ever known he was a very good ambassador for the game. the other reason is that I drink better alcohol and that’s generally better like you want to drink booze but no like horribly cheap trite that tastes like bad versions of the alcohol u can buy from a pub. Also don’t know if I can swear or not in these posts so if I cannot I have pre-emptively avoided this.). But is probably good at the gam.

  5. JustJosh said:

    Hes a cool cat, likes to send pictures of wierd stuff. But its the internet like 80% of people do that!

    Nice guy, good player, will laugh really loud on comms and cheer up your day.

  6. BaaBo: 124 - -Xe- said:

    awesome guy, he’s one of my best friends even though i haven’t seen him IRL. He’s good in this game. your team wont regret picking him up!
    Also, i have a butt photo of him ;)

  7. Cats said:


  8. Fourty: DNuts said:

    Ah, Cats <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.  Top bloke, top player. Nuff said!
    P.S Giddy were/are you drunk?

  9. woolen: BoyBrigade said:

    pretty decent bloke
    would consider playing digital sports with.

  10. X-Wing said:

    D4 Pyro , nice and chilled guy , Take him fast

  11. JamPants said:

    Played engie for us and scared me how good he was, easily div 4 and beyond. Pick him up if you want to win, [b]especially [/b]as heavy.

  12. Spyro: (ETF2L Donator) - GIEL said:

    Has great spy awareness, and an ability to befriend everyone, a real teamplayer.Still has the best amby aim compared to everybody I know, could and would outsnipe me any day of the week using only the tip of his penis.Also has great tracking;Cannot imagine him being anything less than a carry in d6/d5 as any of these classes.
    Give him a trial, best bloke around, you won’t regret it!
    7.8/10 IGN-Too Much Water 

  13. roban: :-) said:


  14. Harry Muana: | db said:

    Dispite what his ID might suggest, this is not a group of cats trying to fool you. 

    He’s a nice guy and does sick airshots ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggU8FUpFAqk]proof[/url]). Really, you won’t regret trying him out!

  15. Nathalie Hunt said:

    Best MvM player out there, a must for your team if you want to win.

  16. Nathalie Hunt said:

    Aka. All of the above + amazing guy