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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

England Beevster

Posted: | Last Online:


Been away from the scene for a while now but i fancy making a come back

I am best as an aggressive sol, who gives Com\'s for pushes, but not an all round team leader

The general bollox is I\'ve been playing in clans for around 10 years, been playing tf2 since the beta

I want to be backup but that being said i will be online 7 days a week during match times, the only reason i say backup is because i don\'t want to play everyday of the week.

Some background

I work and I\'m 30 years old :p

In TF2 i was DCL/Player for ^wotr^ at the start and played for clans like iCon and [CiC] i run my own team once s7 and made a hash of it lol :P altho they was good players leading a team just isn\'t for me!.

I\'m still pumping 40 hrs every 2 week\'s playing on publics so i thought i might as well play for a team and get something out of it, and as pickups are so few and far between i cba waiting around for them, when i could be helping a team as a support player.

If needs must i could play medic or scout/sniper but its been a while since I\'ve done that for a clan!

Anyway contact me on ircs #mpuktf2.pickup
or add me on steam for a chat.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:82117 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Strike a Pose [6v6] Matt
Joined Strike a Pose [6v6] spence
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Beevster
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Left CiC Core [6v6] Beevster
Joined CiC Core [6v6] Kop
Left The McDirties - Powered by USK-clan.com [Highlander] Beevster
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Left Knifeback Mountaineers [6v6] Mark
Joined Knifeback Mountaineers [6v6] Rafe
Joined The McDirties - Powered by USK-clan.com [Highlander] Petrus
Left CiC Core [6v6] Beevster
Joined CiC Core [6v6] Kop
Left CiC Core [6v6] Beevster
Left Cable internet Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Beevster
Joined Cable internet Clan [6v6 Fun Team] Kop
Joined CiC Core [6v6] Kop
Left CiC Core [6v6] Beevster
Joined CiC Core [6v6] Kop
Left iCon-eSport.TF2 [6v6] Beevster
Joined iCon-eSport.TF2 [6v6] bun
Left special7 [6v6] Beevster
Joined special7 [6v6] Beevster
Joined special7 [6v6] Roadster
Left special7 [6v6] Roadster
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Left special7 [6v6] Roadster
Joined special7 [6v6] Roadster
Left special7 [6v6] Roadster
Left special7 [6v6] Roadster
Joined special7 [6v6] Roadster

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  1. Mike: TEZC said:


  2. Dny: T2P said:

    Really nice guy deserves a good team :] xx

  3. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    cic2 need a demo, go go lol

  4. Bve said:

    My demo skills dont even register on the scale :P

  5. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Was a cool guy in TFC, friendly and a great laugh :)

    gl pal!

  6. Bve said:

    Sorry guys due to a personal/family problem i cant even think about a clan atm, Thanks to all the offers, i will be back soon untill then thanks again and good bye.