ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavySniper  Open Skill, Highlander

England Bombay Spycicle Club

Posted by JJ: | Last Online:


Must speak an acceptable amount of English
Somewhere near the timezone of GMT+1
Skype, Mumble or TS3 capabilities (Tbh, we need a private Mumble/TS3 serv)
Not looking for major skills, but at least some experience of comp (Lobbies etc.)
15 and over

Add me if you're interested -JJ

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  1. jackarb said:

    Added to discuss spy

  2. D0|\\|@t - !*@|\: FT | said:

    i would like to join the spy slot i have 220 hours on spy and have played 300 lobbies i speak english and like to use mumble add me if you are interested or tell me to add you

  3. Diplomatt: kW - 6>9 said:

    I am interested in playing heavy, can also play solly but since you have one I can be back up. For some reason I get an error when I try to add you so please can you add me? We can discuss more over steam.

  4. Cranked: nc | said:

    I would like to play as your scout, I’ve played in 10-20 lobbies but I used to play in a div 5 & 6 team for 6v6. Shoot me a friend request if you’d like to discuss an open position.

  5. Amazing said:

    I would like to play in your team. I can play any class very well , except for Soldier bacause i dont like the class , the classes im really good at are : Engineer , Demoman, Scout , Sniper But i would like to be your Engineer , or if you got a spot i can be a diffrent class . i speak English very well and i have Mumble ( i can install other communication systems if you wish) Let me know what you think , you can add me on steam. I hope to see you soon :)

  6. minifazza said:

    i would really like to play pyro but i can play all classes apart form heavy and demoman . Im English so no time problems converting friend me on steam @http://steamcommunity.com/id/ ACEBANANA99

  7. Dennisken said:

    I hope you are still looking for a good sniper. I play very well with the huntsman but I’m also pretty decent with the normal sniper. Im 17y old and speaking English is definetlly no problem for me ;)
    Your team looked really appealing to me and I hope I can be a part of it soon.

    Add me:

  8. TAW_Utaelilya said:

    Added for engineer :)

  9. Neurotoxic: GGENGI said:

    added to talk about soldier

  10. tears: S³ | said:

    hey, will play as spy/soldier

  11. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    added for sollie or pyro :)

  12. Yuzen said:

    I’d like to the spy slot if possible. I have 400 hours on spy and 127 lobbies as of making this comment. English is not a problem for me.
    Add me here if you wanna talk further: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079663878/

  13. Shiny Duskull said:

    I’d like the Soldier or Pyro slot.