ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Black L0tus

Posted by Captain: | Last Online:

We are a European based team looking for members in Europe with Mumble to join our division six , if you're interested in joining just put a message on this thread telling us what class you'd like to be , you must be online a lot, have mumble and be from europe. We need a sub Scout and we need a sub for medic.

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  1. sleepy said:

    Hey, I’m a div 6 scout looking to join your team. I can also offclass as sniper but won’t unless we are winning by a considerable amount (3 – 0 to us minimum). I have mumble and live in Europe. Feel free to add me if you are interested in recruiting me.

  2. Mist said:

    Hello, pocket soldier here looking for a team, I have over 1.6k hours and over 400 in soldier solely, if you take me into consideration please feel free to add me~ ^.^

  3. Zenik said:

    Hi, I’m a div 6 scout looking to join your team… I’m with two friends of mine who can play Roamer and Medic, add me if you want!