ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Open Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom inactive

Posted by HeeSang: | Last Online:

Really need a good roamer for s27 add me on steam and lets talk.

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  1. Wen: YOYO said:

    Yo, don’t know who to add, so I’ve added your Leader, don’t know if that’s you.

    My name’s Wen, I used to play for various teams in open/mid as medic, I have over 4000 hours, and my last team was 1000 hours ago (8 months ago). I main soldier now, I like to think I have strong soldier dm, and am looking for a team to take on a strong dm soldier with a medic’s game sense. I look forward to your reply :)

  2. Wen: YOYO said:


  3. Sen: ez - زب said:

    i main pocket but i can roam

    hmu if you’re interested

    played 2 seasons of 6s as roamer and 2 4s seasons as solly


  4. No-type said:
