ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European TBA 2

Posted by Neep: | Last Online:

Well, Season 12 is coming to a close and it looks like we’re going to have to say goodbye to a number of players: Will, plus our adorable Medic + Pocket couple, Purple and Lopata. We’re gonna’ miss them. :’(

Looking for a pocket soldier (for S13 and hopefully longer), who:

– can play at least 4 nights a week, between 19 :00 – 22 :00 CET (the more often the better, we play pretty much everyday)
– has a working microphone
– is proficient in English
– has capable DM
– is not a complainer/rager
– is cooperative, can take criticism and improve upon that
– will sit down and discuss map strategies and what went well/wrong with a match

Bonus points if you are able to train with us during the summer. Oh, and if you can act as a cuddle blanket for Dan, it would help a lot too. He gets scared sometimes and needs some lovin' and protectin'.

What you can expect from us :

– A warm and friendly community
– A stable team (6 months and still counting)
– A team that knows when to take a game seriously
– Expecting to play div 4 for S13
– Our own mumble + war server
– Sexy Bitches

Please add me and Beetle if you are interested for a trial. We’ll probably trial you a couple of times before we come to our decision.

Have a nice summer vacation folks ! ☺

Contacts (please add both):

Neep: http://steamcommunity.com/id/padampadampadam/
Chewie: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039492760/

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  1. Ezygnum: 1.61803... said:

    One of the best teams there is, simply amazing community, they deserve the best pocket there is.
    If you don’t mind Tunas rage or Chevy’s mad english skills, apply to this team.
    Be nice to them and they will be very nice to you :)
    GL bitches <3

  2. Neep: 1.61803... said:

    Ezy you flatter us too much =P

  3. Benvarmeren said:

    Elton john is coming to rape you ezy

  4. Cocktorpedo said:


  5. sylvaer said:

    Gogo, become the 6th Main Bitch, its fun ;)
    No seriously, a great team, funny and nice. Lots of fun if you play with them.
    They also got skill so, try them out :P

  6. Tw!Kz: xoxo - Drunk said:

    they are fucking awsome Expt betle hes mean!! Love this guys defenently one of the best teams i have been in fucking awsome Bunch of guys and girls and beatles

  7. Lihis: slc. - HHH said:

    Awesomesause team with potential to handle div 4 pretty well. Gl.

  8. Neep: 1.61803... said:

    Bump, changed the post to include a Scout slot.

  9. sKont said:

    They’re really nice <:, skill wise, and personallity wise.

  10. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:


  11. Alloy: VΛ // said:

    A fun team to hang around with. A good choice for anybody wanting to have a good time. (online that is…)

  12. Neep: 1.61803... said:

    Edited to remove the Scout part.