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MedicSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Turkey Griffin

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm almost 20 years old and studying Civil Engineering in Turkey.

I'm just really keen – I watch tons of demos, EU and NA league games, streams,
playing scrims and jump/surf maps as much as I can, always willing to improve..
I also watch my own demos and try to find my faults and team's too.

Me, -Mainly play (pocket) soldier, more experienced on pocket'ing but can
do my job at roamer as well.
-can also play demoman or medic at mid- level with the guys that i like to play with and where the team does teamworks and people that have relaxed behaviours towards the game.
-not very good at mges. I mostly like dm, surf and jump.
-don't want to play with ragers and immature people anymore, I really bored cause of it at this game's comp side.
-decent english and good comms/calls..
-I listen and can easily learn and take criticism if it helps with no offence, you know.
-I'm bad at writing rectuitment posts:P

-Can play in a HL team too as any class desired, doesn't matter. (as backup, mid divs.)

Hmm, that's all I think. Thanks.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66190193 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left reggiN //eSports// [6v6] Griffin
Joined reggiN //eSports// [6v6] Tamir
Left Virtual Saxophone Transmissions [6v6] Griffin
Joined Virtual Saxophone Transmissions [6v6] Nudl
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] Griffin
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] Griffin
Left Leaf Bird [6v6 Fun Team] Griffin
Left B. [1v1] Griffin
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] Griffin
Left x_^ [6v6] Griffin
Joined x_^ [6v6] Phrenic
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] Griffin
Left Equilibrium Squad [6v6] Griffin
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined Leaf Bird [6v6 Fun Team] h3x
Joined Equilibrium Squad [6v6] Tour
Left Heavy D and the Boyz sponsored by Biggie [6v6] Griffin
Joined Heavy D and the Boyz sponsored by Biggie [6v6] Lyrete
Left Revolution -aka wtf2 [6v6 Fun Team] Griffin
Left Turkey [National 6v6 Team] Griffin
Joined Turkey [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] inferius
Left Spidermans [6v6] Griffin
Joined Spidermans [6v6] Incredible
Left hypnotize gaming [6v6] Griffin
Joined hypnotize gaming [6v6] Griffin
Joined B. [1v1] Griffin
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] Griffin
Joined Revolution -aka wtf2 [6v6 Fun Team] Griffin
Left Davai Davai! [Highlander] Griffin
Left Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Joined Davai Davai! [Highlander] Griffin
Left Çılgın Köfteler [2v2] Griffin
Left seferoğulları [Highlander] jaracule
Joined Çılgın Köfteler [2v2] Griffin
Joined Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Left Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Joined Default Win e-Sports / GOLD [6v6] Griffin
Left Maroon Team [6v6] Griffin
Left dieseL [1v1] Griffin
Joined seferoğulları [Highlander] Griffin
Left Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Griffin
Joined dieseL [1v1] Griffin
Joined Maroon Team [6v6] Griffin
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Griffin
Left Trolling Bunnies GREEN [6v6] Rei
Joined Trolling Bunnies GREEN [6v6] Griffin

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 11 702
View Div 3/Div 4 13 699
View Div 3/Div 4 14 1327
View Div 3/Div 4 19 722
View Div 4 4 281
View Div 5 13 410
View Div 5/Div 6 8 445


  1. turkuaz said:

    n1 . he can handle div3 with a stable team but he needs to practise more .

  2. inferius: Dline said:

    he is not div 3 maybe div 5

  3. inferius: Dline said:

    jussssssssssssssssssssst kidding he is enough for d3 good luck man!

  4. Griffin said:

    lol inferius.. :D bump!
    +semih abi’ye selamlar.. :(

  5. warbandit said:

    Good dm, and listens. PICK HIM UP.

  6. Admirael said:

    keen player and a fast learner, should do fine in div 3 if given some time in a nice team during summer, gl

  7. volper: bedgetf2 said:

    keen mean killing machine

  8. ByPrison said:

    He can easily carry div 3 team team.Pick him .

  9. Kidemli said:

    Good guy with solid comms.
    He can handle div 4 as med-solly.

  10. ExpLosion said:

    Great Soli <3 Pick him he can easily play in div 3

  11. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    Nowhere near anything

    can trade I guess

  12. Griffin said:

    Thanks you all :)
    Also Svins, ’til this time, did anybody care about your comments or any thinking ever? I didn’t played with you or against you but I can easily see that you’re a big troll and unnecessery for this league, etf2l…

  13. Fairgotron: Dline said:

    he can He can handle div 4 as med-solly. pick him ! gl mate :)

  14. Fairgotron: Dline said:

    and he deserve try to div 3 med-solly

  15. Griffin said:


  16. TruVa said:

    Nice DM and a nice guy GL

  17. Rei said:

    dat guy has tits pick him up

  18. oxin said:

    Good pocket,good guy,good aim,good singer :) pick him up.

  19. turkuaz said:

    akşamları tapirle beraber güzel oluyor

  20. Griffin said:

    #direntapir / nope, I prefer “sahur mixes” without tapir :3