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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Bulgaria baimezan

Posted: | Last Online:

Screw scout. Not gonna work for me. Back to solly.
Likes jump maps
Likes surfing
Can synchronise a rocket and do a super fancy jump, then die from fall damage while dealing 20 damage to their medic
Doesn't use the ''go for the medic, screw everything'' style. I jump on mids, but I don't always go for the medic.

Preferably stable
Wants to play competitively, can also have fun. Won't fold after not meeting a given goal. Preferable no goals at all.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:98889832 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Mukar.tf sponsored by HSBG [6v6] Sonny
Joined Mukar.tf sponsored by HSBG [6v6] Sonny
Left Fight Club [6v6] baimezan
Joined Fight Club [6v6] Melpit
Joined ☼Noordelike Jaghonde☼ [Highlander] Rhinosaur
Left Efficient Grinding [6v6] jaguar
Joined Efficient Grinding [6v6] jaguar
Left Erdnuckels [6v6] Irene
Joined Erdnuckels [6v6] Irene
Left Roadrunners [6v6] baimezan
Joined Roadrunners [6v6] baimezan
Left Roadrunners [6v6] baimezan
Joined Roadrunners [6v6] baimezan
Left Solo mid or feed [6v6] baimezan
Joined Solo mid or feed [6v6] baimezan
Left gg we lose [6v6] Mogomaki
Joined gg we lose [6v6] baimezan
Left Holy Flying Pigs [6v6] baimezan
Joined Holy Flying Pigs [6v6] baimezan
Left Underground eSports [6v6] baimezan
Joined Underground eSports [6v6] baimezan

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 20 588
View Div 6 2 245
View Div 6 1 387
View Div 6 15 580
View Div 6 3 383
View Div 6 0 237
View Div 6 0 234


  1. MagicalKillaCow: m'way - four hundred an said:

    Top notch guy, definitely worth picking up if not just for the great amusement you’ll get from the mumble :]

  2. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    Needs a better microphone because my ears bleed sometimes. He’s nice otherwise though.

  3. Bl00dSmoKer said:

    Surely a team player, no arrogance or ego, or any of that bullshit. His skill is perfect for the division he’s applying for, pick him up quickly!

  4. Melvin said:

    bad player don’t pick him

  5. baimezan: [N☼J] said:

    baim LFT: hey melvin
    loV: yo
    baim LFT: can you bump my etf2l rec post up
    baim LFT: and tell people how bad I am
    loV: lol why
    baim LFT: jks
    loV: can’t find your rec
    baim LFT: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/166520/http://etf2l.org/recruitment/166520/
    baim LFT: lel
    baim LFT: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/166520/
    loV: sent
    baim LFT: ty
    baim LFT: :(
    baim LFT: you fag
    loV is now Online.
    loV: wat/
    loV: ?
    loV: u said tell to me how bad i’m
    loV: so i did

  6. Kitanamonk said:

    is rly good

  7. Phnx: kZk said:

    Worst accent eu.
    good player
    Don’t use headphones.

  8. baimezan: [N☼J] said:

    Thanks phoenix, feels good to hear good stuff from you to be quite honest. Even if it touches on my accent ;_;

  9. B3rs: MILANO said:

    friendly buddy

  10. B3rs: MILANO said:

    btw melvin is freaking retarded; dont mind him

  11. BenBazinga: Garlic.tf said:

    Good guy, good solly