ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European Bad Reaction

Posted by Schis: | Last Online:

Hi, we are looking for scouts/soldiers/demoman for both sub spots and main spots. if you wish to join or are interested; contact hulkjohnsson through steam.

we are entering div6 since we feel like we\\\'re not entirely ready for div5, since we first estimated the next season to be at fall. We want you to be a fairly active player and want to improve.

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View Low+ 6 776
View Low+ 17 1061


  1. mL said:

    cool guys can win div 5 easly…
    <3 wolie bolie

  2. omer said:

    Ya can fit div 5
    <3 wolie bolie

  3. Adriakus: GWLoLa - ZW said:

    Hi add me. Play div 5 easly.Play Scaut.

  4. Orchid: |=3 said:

    invited you guys on steam a day ago, still not accepted. I would like to try out as a scout!
    Contact me on steam.

  5. sh1z said:

    “cool guys can win div 5 easly…”
    “Ya can fit div 5”

    NIce guys but div 6

  6. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:

    Gotta watch out for those rooster problems, the fuckers. Leave a mess everywhere.

  7. Wollie Bollie: ShaBox - skeå said:

    sry about not accepting you guys, i’ve had some computer problems. should be fixed now. btw bump.

  8. Dopest: Team Schiggy* said:

    added bollie, contact me please

  9. Wollie Bollie: ShaBox - skeå said:

    Bump. also looking for subs now.