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EngineerHeavyMedicSoldier  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates B-L-U Bubgun league United

Posted by Bubgun 45: | Last Online:

B-L-U Bubgun League United is looking for teammebers Currently Scout Pyro Demo Heavy and Sniper and Spy For Open Highlander Comment Below With Your Skills And Class And Sub Classes

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  1. Bubgun 45: B-L-U said:

    The Classes That Display On The Team Join Is Wrong It was the only way that it who’d work Follow the class listings in the decripiton

  2. AFlecha said:

    I sniper game playing with bow.

  3. 2000 Honda Civic said:

    900+ hours, scout main.

  4. TinaT: dsasd - TTC said:

    i play sniper, beggars bazooka, and have 200+ hours. I may seem unexperienced but am pretty good. I can sub spy, scout, and maybe soldier.

  5. Ozlo said:

    2000+ Hours, interchangeable Demoman/Soldier main. I’d be obliged to join your team.

  6. Julihs: B-L-U said:

    I have 1920 hours. I main soldier but i can play good to with Medic>Scout>Pyro
    I have some experience in competitive lobbies, i know the gamemodes, teamplay, rules… but i haven’t played much of it.

  7. 2000 Honda Civic said:

    Also demo and pyro.

  8. prsn said:

    I can play medic i have 800 hours and some 6s experience but never played highlander add me

  9. mlovell13 said:

    I’m a Medic main with 1,000+ hours (rest is on my old acc, can provide proof), but can also play Engineer or Heavy if needed. I have experience with competitive CS:GO, but this would be my first time in Highlander

  10. TechnicalThomas said:

    I am a spy main 200 hours on my current account.On my old (and hacked) account I have 800+ .I can play Medic,Soldier,and Pyro very well.I have 0 experience with 6v6 or highlander but i do play the Competitive Beta.I know all the callouts.