Mid Skill, Highlander
Posted by adam: | Last Online:
Sniper for ETF2L + UGC.
Don't add me if you have no proper experience (hint: lobbies don't count as experience)
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noob team hehe xd
Why would you need a spy sub, I have no life
bump, could do with a couple more engies
Hey im a Spy main, ive played ugc steel and i was moving up to silver but my team disbanded. Last season i was a full season merc for BloodMerchants winning us the playoffs and moving to the semis.
Yo, Spy main here – 300 hours plus – 3000 + hours totally, UGC and ETF2L steel and gold competitive experience – looking for a team, this seems pretty good, I’m also in England, hit me up if you want.
Forgot to add I also main Scout – 700 hours with him and lots of 6s experience, I don’t mind either, thanks.
you have 300 on scout 200 on spy and you have no matches played on etf2l wyd
Howdy, I’m here to snatch the engie slot before your 0 other applicants here take it from me.
300+ hours on engie, a season of high/mid, 3rd place open, can DM well and has a functioning W key.
anguish ur a fuickign moron
Good team as long as they don’t turn it into nutshack 2.0
good team as long as their ugc engie doesnt quit :$D
bump, lf sniper now
nutshack has been the only team that i’ve lead on my own that didn’t fold mid-season.
i’ve done a lot worse
nutshack was the best team of the season tbh