ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerScoutSoldierSpy  Low Skill, Highlander

England ayup pal

Posted by lukegameage: | Last Online:

ayup pals me and the lads are looking for more players to complete our highlander team so we can play highlander you know, we would love to have fans of big man lee on the team but it is ok if u arent :)!

me and the lads are looking to do well in low because u know like winning is like good and that makes u happy like you know.

also looking for subs on every class :)

add lukegameage on ETF2L (desman on steam) to be trialed!!!

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  1. noxcho said:

    You guys still need a spy?

  2. Bacon said:

    do u have a discord server to do matches?

  3. Temrane: cooking - Atria said:

    for my tea i ‘ad a packet of crisps and a lilt

  4. Lilliputt: (Anti Cheat Trial) said:

    Heya, i’m a med main with engineer as my second most played, if youre looking for a support on your team my discord is Leiptr#9536 and my steam is pretty much the same as my ETF2L name

  5. t h e r m a l said:

    Need a spy? I dont know

  6. kuno said:

    still need a scout?

  7. synced said:

    still need a scout/scout sub?