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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England aNxiety

Posted: | Last Online:

Unfortunately due to reasons within the team definitive are rebuilding the line-up and I haven't got the time to put in to rebuild, goodluck to them with the rebuild and so on!

Anyway, I'll see whats about first before I take a step back from tf2.
I'm 19
LANable (will most likely be going to i46 with the right team)
Can play roam or pocket. Prefer roam as it's my 'natural' playing style but adapted to playing pocket with definitive for the past few months.
Can play most days except Sundays as I have other commitments, sometimes I wont be on during the week but on average i'd say im about 3-5 days a week.
Looking to play as a main part of the team.

Give me an add if there's any interest and we'll have a chat.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:11550087 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] izaak²²
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Left Definitive Gaming [Highlander] Lokter
Joined Definitive Gaming [Highlander] Lokter
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter

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  1. Standard said:

    Good guy, good soldier, but grim as fuck.

  2. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    love you ‘stud’ ;) xoxox

  3. Acky: EASY - Labi said:

    Good guy, good soldier, but grim as fuck.

  4. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    available to play from Monday onwards, throw me an add if you wanna chat!

  5. izock22 said:

    Definitely my favorite colour. He’s a solid 10/10, true babe.

  6. Cu Chulainn said:

    I love this guy. He’s filthy, so suits me down to the ground.

    His dm is decent, gamesense is coming.

    Love you


  7. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:


  8. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:


  9. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    about tonight if any fellow sad losers are in on a Friday!

  10. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    one last bump

  11. konr: idd. said:


  12. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:


  13. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    I lied, bump.