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Soldier  Prem/High Skill, 6v6

France alX

Posted: | Last Online:

no more gf up for tryhard

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:166472131 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined hardmoneyshotgun [6v6] SAKE
Left /for fence [6v6] alX
Left France [National 6v6 Team] alX
Joined /for fence [6v6] Brujman
Left Doliprem [6v6] alX
Joined StackManoAstonMimiPablBigoCraklandET [Highlander] Brujman
Joined Doliprem [6v6] mh3
Left /for fence [6v6] alX
Joined France [National 6v6 Team] Nevo
Joined /for fence [6v6] Brujman
Left /for fence [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Joined /for fence [6v6] rdm
Left /for fence [6v6] alX
Joined /for fence [6v6] Brujman
Left Pot-au-feu! black [6v6] alX
Joined Pot-au-feu! black [6v6] ympo
Left ff 15 - [*] [6v6] Stuffed
Joined ff 15 - [*] [6v6] Stuffed
Left /for fence [6v6] alX
Left Dragon Blanc aux Yeux Bleus [Highlander] Kaylus
Joined Dragon Blanc aux Yeux Bleus [Highlander] SchmitShot
Left Jamien [Highlander] alX
Joined /for fence [6v6] Brujman
Left Corentin Masse Dahak [6v6] alX
Joined Jamien [Highlander] marcel
Joined Corentin Masse Dahak [6v6] gtlm.

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View High/Mid 14 438


  1. tenno: Fish12 said:

    really good soldier

  2. ympo said:

    nul nul nul

  3. Cuby: /ff said:

    Waaah… Non mais.. Truc de ouf, pck att.. Oh putain.

    J’y crois pas waah… C’est pas possible

  4. AlienSmiley: DTR said:

    good zac main, jungle god

  5. Cuby: /ff said:

    imagine genre

  6. Cadillac said:

    demonstration of his sheer power: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vOQrGR8QY4&ab_channel=N%C3%A9o6K

  7. deli69: /ff said:

    slt mon “””””pote”””””
    gl mon super “p”o”t”e”

  8. scar: /ff said:

    ah oui déja le come back

  9. Azitio: Houssem said:

    un max de d d d d d d d d dpm