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Scout  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

European Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work

Posted by MR JOHNSON: | Last Online:

We need a full time scout – be awesome! Need someone tried and tested, be that please.

Playing sun,mon,wed,thurs.

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  1. Septique said:

    I guess I am the first to comment then. Nice team and I hope you find a proper scout.

  2. Trath said:

    sorrow .
    Great aim, good movement, amazing sniper and bigger brain than my dick.

    “becuase your dick is small etc”
    “sorrow fanboy”
    “your gay”
    “shut up”
    “your INB4 is longer than your post”

  3. Trane said:

    Only saying sorrow cos jew.

  4. Trane said:


  5. Trath said:

    Only saying GString cos UK.

  6. Trane said:

    Well, the fact that he actually has a rec post up helps also.

  7. monkye: Gutta said:


  8. Trath said:

    ohh right, sorry I didn’t notice he doesn’t have a rec post, it must mean he’s definitely not looking for a team . My bad.

    In that case, I nominate this guy:

    has a rec post and everything.

  9. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    can you dickmunchers calm the fuck down

  10. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Mr G!

  11. mrwhizz said:

    Mr G!

  12. Trane said:

    You’re such an absolute fucktard Trath it’s hard to believe. My point was that Mr G is clearly enthusiastic about getting a team as he is actively seeking one. Where’s your recommendation clearly isn’t bothered. If you can’t see that – you’ve got less of a brain now than the day you were born.

    I think Mr G’s rec post speaks for itself, irrespective of recommendations from shitters like you and I.

    Grandma, genuinely sorry for derailing this thread somewhat – just was compelled to reply there.

  13. Trath said:

    Yeah I see, he has a rec post so he’s REALLY enthusiastic, the fact that SorroW has been trying to find a team since Dummy put him as “backup” means he doesn’t want a team.
    The fact that he has already trialed for the few several teams that had an open spot means he isn’t enthusiastic, and clearly isn’t bothered.

    Just because your for this Mr G guy doesn’t mean you have talk stupid untruthful shit about the other side.
    You can stop trying to make some stupid point to imply something that is simply not true.

    Somehow I get the feeling you genuinely thought you had a point.

  14. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    This discussion ends now Trath and Trane, consider this a warning.

  15. DIABLOOOZZZ: ft. - 007 said:

    Also Hildreth Saiiiid

  16. GodOfFail said:

    btw,Trane,since the day the human (every human) is born the human brain only gets smaller until the day you die,scientific fact :P

  17. poxie said:

    fuck you no one is prem like me

  18. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said: