ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

European 4real eSports

Posted by moze: | Last Online:


We are currently looking for a Roamer and Medic.

Add Benjiz, Leyr or Moze for trialing / questions or for more information.

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  1. smky said:

    He is inviting everyone, please don’t do the same shit like hl team, and thats will be better, gl.

  2. Benjiz said:

    Haha Smoky, you are a funny lad. I created the highlander team for the experimental cup. I didn’t just invite everyone, considering it’s way more difficult to actually get people to be online for highlander than 6’s. Good luck finding a team, that will be able to play with your attitude :)

  3. piotrek63: BowDown said:

    Only 2 coments in and there’s already D R A M A!

  4. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Interested in trialing for the roamer role.

  5. DereK: tbag said:

    Add me

  6. b0n3z said:

    Medic main