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ONC: Sunshine


We had originally intended to quickly throw in a one night cup on koth_coalplant, but since it has proven too FPS heavy for too many players, and is for that reason also not included in Season 17’s map pool, we’re switching things up a bit and decided to try out another newcomer: cp_sunshine.

The cup will be held on Wednesday the 29th of January. Both fun teams and 6v6 teams can enter the tournament, so sign up your team here. Signups will close the night before the cup, 23:59 on Tuesday the 28th, to allow time for bracket seedings.

{ Low | Medium | High }

Cup Format and Schedule

The cup will be single elimination with all matches played on the same night:

  • 19:00 – Brackets posted
  • 20:00 – Ro16
  • 20:45 – Ro8
  • 21:30 – Ro4
  • 22:15 – Finals

Depending on the amount of signups, it is entirely possible that 20.00 will start a Ro32 instead, and the finals will be played on another day.


Standard 6v6 Season 17 rules apply, with one exception: A team may use 2 mercs by default and 3 if the opponents agree. Any disagreement with merc usage can be disputed by contacting an admin here.
Make sure to let admins know if your match is running more than 5 minutes late. If you are 10 minutes late then set mp_timelimit to 20 minutes, and so on. This is to keep the next round on time.

Some Reminders

  • Have at least one representative of your team idling in our IRC channel #etf2l on Quakenet. This makes it way easier to contact your opponents and admins, in case any problems occur.
  • Please make sure that all players download the map in advance. We will be using the current version of the map which is cp_sunshine_b2.
  • 2 mercs of about the same skill are allowed by default. A third merc can be allowed by your opponent. If you are unsure if your “default merc” is of the same skill level as your team, please ask your opponent for approval. If they reject the merc, but you still believe that your merc is of the same skill level, please contact an admin. All mercs need to be registered at ETF2L.
  • Because of the restrictions regarding mercs above, unverified players count as mercs too.