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poLANd.tf 2025 #highlander: let’s make it happen!

Date March 19, 2025

Banner by Poland deli

After a successful poLANd.tf 2025 event, we hope to host a Highlander tournament in BaseStack Łódź in Poland this summer.
We made a poll some time ago to ask players what they think about it. So far, responses are very warm, but we need more players interested in participating: at the moment, we have 73 players who have expressed their interest in coming, in which 52 are interested specifically in playing.

The offer is as follows:

The event will take 3 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday somewhere in July (a preferred date is 18-20.07.2024).

The venue is Poland BaseStack Łódź, which has space for 10 Highlander teams. Łódź has its own airport, making it very easy to travel to from many places, or you can fly to Warsaw which is one hour away by train. We provide guidance in getting flight/train tickets for all attendees.

Ticket costs will likely be the same as for the 6v6 tournament we just hosted: 400 PLN per player, 70 PLN per spectator. Each player ticket gets a full PC rental (specs here). All sign-ups are team based, where the leader pays an entry fee for their team.

Depending on donations at donate.poland.tf, we may have a cash prize pool, and we will have a physical trophy and medals for the best teams:

During the LAN, we host our own LAN serveme for easy server rental, as well as a LAN pickup site for easy mixes, powered by tf2pickup.org.

If there are more interested teams than available seats in the venue, we will host an online qualification stage, in order to ensure the best competition on LAN.

If you love Highlander and would like to participate, please fill up this form. We must have at least 72 players interested in playing. If we succeed, we will announce the event and simply make it happen. We will be waiting for your feedback until April 7th.

Best regards,

Poland supra

poLANd.tf event lead



  1. Refleks: (Media Producer) - HIV+ - L9 said:


  2. 197: TC - p9's said:

    this highlander change is fire

  3. stun: ANIMA - HOUSE said:


  4. tekszi: Arti Rush said:

    exciting times

  5. Vclox_: L_? - :Blinky: said:


  6. Sabesaroo: p9's said:

    add up

  7. Shaddow: CHONK said:

    damn I thought it would never happen again… So excited!

  8. KamikaZe: L2:7 - HSF said:

    admins will do anything but hl changes

  9. Arentrir: L_? - HOUSE said:


  10. 0mger: L_? - HOUSE said:

    cu@ if happens

  11. Tob: -ƒ$- said:

    Great venue and staff. Food, drinks and accommodation are cheap.
    It’s the best venue possibly ever for anyone trying to be at a TF2 LAN

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