6v6 Season 49 (Winter 2025): Provisional Tiers, Restrictions and Rule Update
January 16, 2025

banner by soda
Provisional Tiers
Down below are this Season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name or not having 6 players rostered on your team page. Teams marked in yellow are more likely to be moved if there is a need to change teams around.
Unhappy about your place? Feel free to contact us over Discord. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved.
Rule Update
6.3 Scripts
Scripts that allow a player to perform an action in-game that they would not be able to execute without the script, or scripts that purposefully disrupt the player’s hitbox are banned. Scripts that freeze or glitch the player model (e.g. in mid-air to be less predictable) to make it harder to hit are also banned.
Usage of banned scripts will be penalized on a case-by-case basis, depending on the intent of the script and the impact on the match. Possible penalties may include team warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds or default losses, and / or league bans for the offending player.
- Examples of banned scripts:
- Charge-turn script (this includes the use of other peripherals to achieve sharper turn angles)
- Panic spinning script
- Freeze-glitching via spamming hud_reloadscheme
- Scripts that enhance a player’s sense of hearing (also see 6.4 under sound file manipulations)
- 1-Tick c-tap scripts/binds of any sort
- Jumpbug related scripts/binds of any sort
- Examples of allowed scripts:
- Duck-jump script
- Null-cancelling movement script
- Rocket/Detonator jump script
- Übercharge mask script
- Team say scripts
- Medic radar script
- Loadout changing scripts and quick respawn scripts
- Viewmodel and crosshair switch scripts
If you are unsure about the legality of a particular script, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation before using said script in an official match.
Cannot play
Cannot play
“1-Tick c-tap scripts/binds of any sort” tier 2 hands wrote this
all my admins in High div say heyyoooo
Cannot play
cannot play deserved
why ban Ctap bind 2 days before start of the season, sure but announce this kind of stuff at the end of a season or something. 10 IQ fr
why ban this, it was there during prime tf2 foerever, yet you guys still cool with b4nny resupp bind and all these other quality of life ones. maybe focus on improving the league instead of listening to the SCPs who suggested this
Why div2 mad at pro
why mad
2 low teams eliminated :clownemoji:
I smell skill issue
Just so people know the script that banned:
Hello. An example of the 1-tick c-tap script that is no longer allowed is:
alias “+ctap” “+duck 1; -duck 1; +jump 1; -jump 1”
alias “-ctap” “”
bind “mouse2” “+ctap”
Other non 1-tick c-tap scripts are still perfectly fine and if you have any questions regarding yours feel free to reach out. In regards to jumpbug it would be the same situation as 1-tick c-tap (using a bind to perform a 1-tick jumpbug that nullifies your fall damage). Once again with this if you are concerned about yours we can clarify when possible. Thank you.
@varnu dont speak to me please you look like neanderthal irl