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Announcing 6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024)!

Date August 26, 2024

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

With the end of Summer fast approaching, Autumn soon to start and Highlander entering into the playoffs, the time for 6s is once again among us! With that, we are happy to announce the 6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024) signups are now OPEN! Below this post you can find information on things such as the Map Pool, Whitelist, Configs and more! However, do keep in mind that some of these things are yet to be finalised, and will be decided upon closer towards the end of signups.


  • Signups: NOW! – September 12th 18:00 CEST
  • (Premiership and Division 1 signups will close early on September 8th at 18:00 CEST)
  • Provisional Tiers: 12th September
  • Group Stages: September 16th – November 3rd
  • Überfest LAN break: November 4th – November 10th
  • Playoffs: November 11th – November 30th

Map Pool

Premiership & Division 1

For our top divisions, all maps are set and fully confirmed:

Division 2 & Below

For all other divisions the following maps are confirmed:

All our core maps have finally been rotated through and now we start from the beginning of choosing one of those maps to sit out for a season.

As cp_snakewater_final1 was rotated out last season, we will keep it in the map pool for this season. Please vote on the following maps to decide which map should be rotated out this season:

Which of the core maps should be rotated out?

Total Voters: 384

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This also leaves us with only one map left to decide on:

Which map do you prefer?

Total Voters: 392

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The polls are open until September 12th 18:00 CEST

Playoffs Structure

Premiership & Division 1:

  • Premiership: 16th November & 17th November
  • Division 1: 23rd November & 24th November

UBF Winners get MAP PICK ADVANTAGE in finals, regardless of seed, losers drop to LBF.

Division 2 & Below:

  • Quarter Finals: 11th November – 17th November
  • Semi Finals: 18th November – 22nd November
  • Grand Finals: 23rd November – 30th November

Note: The Playoffs structure might vary per division and is subject to change due to its dependence on signups and remaining teams at the end of the group stage. Dates also may vary.

Whitelist & Config

All Whitelist and Config changes, if there will be any, will be released together with vote results in another post.

Sign-up Process

First and foremost you must sign your team up here: 

Then, if you are applying for Division 6/Open tier (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.

Otherwise, we encourage you to send us an email at [email protected] or directly contact a league admin through the ticket system in our Discord, with the following information:

– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L team link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

– Team BIG EXPLOSION, Premiership, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes
– 5-2 vs Team Aoshi’s All Stars (Prem) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact the admins risk losing their spot in the division they are asking for.

Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favoured over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier.



  1. Quanishe said:

    give me my medal

  2. luvr: BOOM - {G.E.W.P} said:

    it doesnt take 20 days to click two buttons can lower divs actually get some time to practice maps, there is a whole ‘generation’ of players who’ve never played metalworks and these things take longer than 4 days to practice so can it be like a week vote instead so players can practice the maps of the season without unnecessary uncertainty because it just gives an unneeded advantage to experienced players

  3. Sevenless: - TEMU said:

    cry more

  4. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    could we get balloon race in the vote thx

  5. Quanishe said:

    pls dont click on metalworks its stupid map

  6. Fat Pigeon: JUMP - PB&J said:

    i voted for metalworks

  7. suleli: SHED said:

    Unpopular opinion: Gullywash goated map

  8. Quanishe said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_gullywash

  9. luvr: BOOM - {G.E.W.P} said:

    sevenless bro ur dogshit i literally mog you its not even funny

  10. Peams: MAGDONAL - TEMU said:


  11. Igov Драгови: koto - 800A said:

    rotate sunshine, vote metal

  12. Korra: JUMP - Arti Rush said:

    You have successfully voted for: cp_sunshine

    You have successfully voted for: cp_metalworks

  13. Un1d said:

    Would have voted for gully but every single scrim and mix is on process and I’m so tired of this map I never want to see it again.

  14. Fox: Wii - AoD said:

    No cp_steel_f12?

  15. zoinks!: Wii said:

    cp_steel where?