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ETF2L Statement on Community Moderation & Rule Changes

Date June 19, 2024

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Dear ETF2L community,

With our very recent community moderation verdicts and the sudden spike we have seen with Harassment/Racism/Toxicity within the league, we would like to remind all of about the following rule:

1.1.2. Any Form of Harassment/Racism/Toxicity/Etc is Punishable

ETF2L does not support any form of harassment of its players. People harassing others based on ethnicity, culture, religion or similar examples will get punished for their actions. We understand that things can get heated within a competitive game and we handle cases with this in mind. We ask you to remain as civil as possible when it comes to situations like this and to treat others with respect.

Why are we posting this?

In order to have a welcoming place for everyone who plays or wants to start playing Team Fortress 2 on a competitive level, without being greeted by racism or being harassed, we are updating our own policies on how we handle community moderation cases.

We are already following an absolute zero tolerance policy against targeted harassment, racism and toxicity. This will not change. We are asking all of you to respect each other within our community.

What will change or has changed already?

With immediate effect we are changing our current policies on community moderation. That means the following:

  • Community Moderation bans will be much harsher. Of course, all cases are reviewed individually, but severity and frequency is also taken into account when we are making our final judgement.
  • Banned players will be excluded across all of our platforms. (for example, our Discord)
  • Community Moderation Bans, wherever applicable, will no longer be applied outside of a competition. If there is a ban that is scheduled to be applied, the player(s) subject to it will be notified in advance, and we will apply the ban when the competition starts.

Rule Changes

General Rule 2.2.1 Nickname changes

As of this post, we will change how we handle nickname changes. Instead of allowing only 4 nickname changes in total + 1 revert to a previous name after 2 years, we decided to change this to a time based model. This allows you to have your name changed every 6 months, regardless of how many times you have changed it already.

2.2.1 Nickname changes

You are permitted to change your nickname once every 6 months.

To change your nickname you must contact League Admins on [ETF2L’s Discord server].

Note: Nicknames must be at least 2 characters long and some characters are not allowed.

6v6 & HL Rule 1.3.2 A team can use up to a maximum of one merc in Grand Final matches

This rule will be removed in both gamemodes. Usual merc rules will apply in Grand Finals from now on.

1.3.2. A team can use up to a maximum of one merc in Grand Final matches

A team can use up to a maximum of one merc in a Grand Finals official match of any tier, even if the opponent would allow the use of more than one merc. Breaking this rule will result in a Default Loss for the offending team

1.3.2. A team can use up to a maximum of two mercenaries in Grand Final matches

A team can use up to a maximum of two mercs in a Grand Finals official match of any tier, even if the opponent would allow the use of more than two mercs. Breaking this rule will result in a Default Loss for the offending team.

6v6 & HL1.2. Playoffs and Tiebreaker

We will remove the following paragraph

Any playoffs match schedules may be changed to any day before the Grand Finals date, but only if all affected teams agree.

In the past it was proven to us that this rule does not work. All playoffs matches will have to be played and submitted before the result deadline of the match. A schedule past the deadline will not possible.

1.2. Playoffs and Tiebreakers

The playoffs stage will be held after the regular season ends. Its schedule can be found on the competition’s [homepage].

Any playoffs match schedules may be changed to any day before the Grand Finals date, but only if all affected teams agree.

For playoffs official matches, maps will be chosen by the participating teams using the Picks/Bans Map Elimination System, with seeding coming from their relative placement in the regular season. [Explanation]

Teams tied for any playoffs spots in their respective tier will be ordered using the following methods, ordered by priority:

Head-to-Head (if applicable)
Sonneborn-Berger Score
Total Rounds scored
If the first method does not split the teams, the second method will be used. If the second method does not split the teams, the third method will be used.

The Neustadtl Sonneborn-Berger Score is calculated as follows:

For each match, calculate the ratio of points the team earned compared to the maximum, and multiply this by the opponent’s total score in the competition. Use only scores and opponents from “valid” matches (matches that were not default wins and were not against dropped opponents).
Calculate the sum of all scores calculated via the above method.
Divide the sum by the number of “valid” matches played.



  1. Lebron James said:


  2. Sevenless: - TEMU said:

    Roll 6, go to jail

  3. Heed said:

    yippie !!

  4. Exe_Red: L_? - HOUSE said:

    half tf2 community can’t play due to 1.1.2 please change the rule. for any toxicity take fees and make billion money a month very easy no ban needed. very profitable since players will bring many money to spell some magical words in the chat. +money +players

  5. azzii: gun - JaR said:

    I imagine this comment section is going to have wonderful and reasonable discussion

  6. Bunny: sOn said:

    Will bans be put in the ban list before they come into effect or when the player is notified? Its important to individuals to know that justice has come from there reports soon not 3 months down the line when the next season is.

    Lets hope this new ruling makes ETF2L a tolerable place for minorities, we might actually have a growing scene for once.

  7. Quanishe said:

    ^ this person starts being more dangerous for tf2 community

  8. Slippy: TEMU said:


  9. Fried Chicken of Death said:

    japierdole ale dobre te orzeszki

  10. Woodymm: #WARLORD said:

    ^ fax

  11. Z.png: BBL said:

    surely this will grow the EU comp scene :clueless: