6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024): Provisonal Tiers and Whitelist, Plugin + Rule Updates
March 22, 2024

Banner by soda
Provisional Tiers
Down below are this Season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name or not having 6 players rostered on your team page. Teams marked in yellow are more likely to be moved if there is a need to change teams around.
Unhappy about your place? Feel free to contact us over Discord. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved.
Whitelist and Plugin Updates
Before the season started we had a meeting with leaders of Premiership teams to help guide us in updating our whitelist and plugins. Based on feedback from this meeting, a poll was created for Divison 2 and above, the results of which are posted below the changes, along with our reasonings.
- Wrap Assassin is now Banned
We have chosen to ban the Wrap Assassin after discussion with Premiership, as well as a poll sent out to Divison 2 and above. In this poll we asked for votes to be elaborated on, with some reasonings below:
“no skill, high impact, very random, not fun to play against or to watch mids be lost just cause your med or demo got balled from across the map”
“it is very low commitment and very high reward with not much skill involved”
“it fucking sucks and breaks the flow of the game. scout should not have a spammable projectile on this cooldown“
“Gives Scout a way to do entry damage at the start of fights without positioning aggressively or using up any ammo. Is a pretty low skill but also low risk thing to go for, you just have to remember to whip it out and m2 at a choke or cluster of people. Has to go.”
The reasosning behind this ban with this feedback is simple: the Wrap Assassin is a Low Risk High Reward weapon, able to turn fights without the scout needing to actually be in the range where a scout is effective and instead allows these plays to happen from a distance where the scout doing it can’t be countered.
- sm_gunboats_always_apply is now set to 0 (Disabled)
This vote was quite close, with it inching out into a “No” overall. However, due to how close it is, we have decided to go with what Premiership has voted on. Due to this, we will be trying this season without the plugin, so we can gather more feedback on how the game flows and if it majorly changes soldier without it, some reasonings below:
“Unnecessary modification we made to the game, soldiers can already reduce self dmg without the plugin by jumping at the same time as shooting (brings self dmg down from 50~ to 30~).”
“I don’t think a soldier should be able to just push an entire combo and whipe them by hitting 3 nice rockets in their face. It was cool and nice to try it for multiple seasons, but it just makes soldiers perma bomb into peoples face, and soldiers perma 1v1 eachother, which is just not a good flow to the game imo. I don’t think it makes soldier a better class (by a long shot), byt I don’t think they should be able to do as listed in first sentence :-)”
“Allows a very obnoxious soldier playstyle of jumping in, shooting 2 rockets and jumping back without being able to punish easily. I also found bombing into scouts (situationally) to be viable because you don’t do much self damage, which shouldn’t be viable. It also allows soldiers to stuff chokes solo making it harder to push.”
As stated above, this is a change that depending on feedback after the season, could be reverted. Please play around with it and let us know your thoughts.

As you can see, some other questions were raised during this poll that we haven’t touched on. In the future we will be running a Experimental Cup with some of these changes, such as the Solemn Vow and Winger ban, along with needing a longer discussion in relation to Weapon Pickups. This discussion has come about due to picking up the enemy Medigun after a small ad push, giving you a massive advantage if abused. However, this may be amplified by the Solemn Vow being unbanned.
Rules Update
We are adding a new rule in relation to teams receiving sponsorship from gambling and other age restricted sites:
1.10 Team and player sponsorships
Any reference to gambling websites or content unsafe for minors is forbidden. This includes: Player Names, Player Tags, Team Tags, Team Names, Team Profile Pictures and any other content on this platform.
Akio Restricted from Spy
Nine Inch Ales
ympo Restricted from Demo
Spoon1337 Restricted from Soldier
3 Steps Back
pijacka Restricted from Scout
Mayh Restricted from Scout
Choking Hazard Academy
lawjr Restricted from Soldier
chocolate Restricted from Sniper
Fish 12
SchmitShot Restricted from Heavy
Sun4 Restricted from Scout
def Restricted from Soldier
woo tang clang
Shuffles_ Restricted from Demo
Muutos 2011
4ndy Restricted from Soldier
DelT Restricted from Pyro
Monkey Village
Clam Restricted from Soldier
Kumis Restricted from Heavy
cosmetical Restricted from Sniper
Fabulous Disaster
Samael Restricted from Heavy
Nervous as Hell
Chunky Kong
Porg E-Sports 2
Peams Restricted from Demo
Stole Your Gender
lybon Restricted from Spy
GM'sU | Smiley Restricted from Sniper
Eastern Alcoholics Association
Freedie Restricted from Pyro
Wodka Wyrobu Wybuchowego
steko Restricted from Demo
mata Restricted from Spy
Guesswhosbad Restricted from Soldier
zero Restricted from Medic
tonno Restricted from Engineer
Fatass Legacy
Fried Chicken of Death Restricted from Spy
Floober Gaming
The Toluene Terrorists
dlwlrma Restricted from Scout
PurpleMurch Restricted from Soldier
Fortnite Griddy
Botmon Restricted from Spy
Samael Restricted from playing LMFAO
based, thanks admins <3
why nerf me twice
Nice placement but April fools is still a bit out
thumps up on dis one
restricted from etf2l
“Any reference to gambling websites or content unsafe for minors is forbidden” actual W
You have to be taking the piss with the gunboats change, you only ask prem-d2 for their opinions, even d1-2 overwhelmingly say they want the gunboats change to not be put in effect, and you specifically only listen to the prem players because otherwise the voting would be heavily skewed the other way.
There’s no denying soldiers are insanely impactful in prem, but forcing the lower divs to adhere to this, with no vote for lower div players and no cup to try this out in is absolutely insane. The lower divs are already ruled by scout dominance so you’re just making 1/3 of the classes have far less fun.
Can you at least put this out to a larger vote so people can choose in the lower divs? There’s already different rules for high and < mid so I don't see why this wouldn't be possible.
season numbers making a comeback fuck yes
very based rule change, fuck gambling
why we in low?
Can we please god also have a vote lower divs and not just suck off prem players?
Would have been nice to know that we wont be running the gunboats plugin more then 1 week in advance
It also would have been nice to know the maps we’ll be playing each week more then 1 week in advance.
Also wanting to ban the winger??? what are you smoking because I need some of that
Glad to see we are improving as a competitive league!
good soldier nerf boys, he was the most overpowered class in this meta
Leave solemn vow alone
Not going to personally comment on the changes, not played with them yet so aren’t going to judge them too soon. However it would have been great if this was announced a couple of weeks ago so that we could be scrimming on the new config/whitelist. Then we can get used to it in time before the season, instead of having less than a week between this announcement and most team’s first offis.
going full circle we’ll be back to playing with stock weapons soon
don’t give them ideas Vee
Crusaders Crossbow kinda overpowered ngl
good changes
bombing into scouts =)
ban gunboots next pls
this shit got me tweaking + nice provisionals in d2/d1
who the fuck is voting for winger and solemn vow bans?
Low div players eat glue and thus shouldn’t be listened to. Good changes
*take away mg
*remove plugin
*dont forget to ban gunboats
Can we stop be impacted by higher div players opinions ?
Why do you ask them questions and apply their answers to every divs ?
Prem tf2 is the most objective form of feedback we have for how well balanced the game is. The way the game plays in prem is the least affected by the lack of skill of the players. This is how a competitive league works.
If you want to play a differently balanced version of tf2 in the lower divisions, I have no problem with that. But when deciding on the gameplay related rules and plugins that apply to everyone playing the league, the idea that an open players opinion should carry the same weight as someone who is in prem is laughable.
At the same time the league is having the all time lowest team count… The market garden ban is telling enough about prem players
I forgot that in prem it happens all the time that ” a soldier should be able to just push an entire combo and whipe them by hitting 3 nice rockets in their face.” happens all the time. I see this all the time in every high level 6s match as scouts are just too weak to deal with soldiers at such a high level. This is so awful that soldier is too powerful in current meta thank god it was nerfed…
Amppis is on crack lmao. Fam if your “prem scout” cant deny a solly bombing i think that qualifies as “lack of skill of the players”.
Any reference to gambling websites or content unsafe for minors is forbidden
@amppis “Prem tf2 is the most objective form of feedback we have for how well balanced the game is. The way the game plays in prem is the least affected by the lack of skill of the players. This is how a competitive league works.
If you want to play a differently balanced version of tf2 in the lower divisions, I have no problem with that. But when deciding on the gameplay related rules and plugins that apply to everyone playing the league, the idea that an open players opinion should carry the same weight as someone who is in prem is laughable.”
I agree but same time if open/lower division players don’t like change they can stop playing and etf2l/tf2 will die even more. Comp tf2 can’t exist without lower division players.
I recommend all open players spend less time worrying about the ruleset and more time getting themselves out of open, good luck everyone & cu at the top. ;-)
i dont care, name and shame the winger ban fools
See you guys in 5 years when this league will only have 2 divisions :D Somehow RGL has way more teams and higher level of play than etf2l. It’s just strange when only eu has this conservative whitelist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Feels good to be at top 😎