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Announcing 6v6 Autumn Season 2023

Date October 2, 2023

ETF2L 6v6 Season 46

banner by UnitedKingdom soda

With the Highlander Season Playoffs just starting now and the 6v6 Throwback Cup getting closer every day it’s time for us to announce the upcoming 6v6 Autumn 2023! All key information can be found in this new post. We have separated the information in 2 sections so that you can find the important information for your desired division more easily.

  • Premiership & Division 1
  • Division 2 & Below


  • Signups
    • Premiership & Division 1: 1st – 8th October – 18:00 CEST
    • Division 2 & Lower: 1st – 10th October – 18:00 CEST
  • Main Season: 15th October – 2nd December
  • Roster-lock: 25th November – 23:59
  • Playoffs: 3rd December – 17th December


During our latest poll we have asked you about the Loch-n-Load and the Market Gardener and whether or not they should be banned. The results seem to be split between divisions.

Premiership and Division 1 would rather keep both weapon banned while Division 2 and lower Divisions are more incline to allow both weapons.

Our options are as follow:

  • We keep the weapons banned.
  • We allow both weapons.
  • We make different whitelists for the higher division and the lower division.

Last option is pretty much out of the question as there is no point in having different whitelist and configs between the divisions for the same game-mode.

As the average vote goes toward banning both weapons we will follow this and go with the first option.

Premiership and Division 1

Map pool

For Premiership and Division 1 the following map pool will be used:

In our recent polls (over several Seasons) we have seen koth_product_final receiving more and more requests to be replaced or removed from the map pool (34,27% of the players want it removed (highest amongst all maps)). We have decided for this Season to replace it with koth_clearcut_b16a and gather feedbacks at the end of the Season to see how the map replacement is appreciated.

We have also noticed that beside the 4 core maps,

  • Process (7,94/10)
  • Gullywash (8,01/10)
  • Snakewater (8,78/10)
  • Sunshine (8,70/10)

The other maps never really seemed to have established as much.

  • cp_metalworks_f5 (6,33/10)
  • cp_reckoner_rc6 (6,26/10)
  • cp_granary_pro_rc16a (6,30/10)

As these maps have been around for a while now we feel it may be time to try some of the new maps out there and give these some time out. We didn’t want to add too many new maps at once so we have kept the highest rated map in; cp_metalworks_f5.

Additionally cp_sultry_b8a has received 60,14% positive votes to be added and cp_entropy_b5 has received 48,25% positive votes to be added in the Season.

Map Rotation

  • week 1: cp_process, koth_bagel, cp_sultry, cp_snakewater, cp_sunshine
  • week 2: cp_sunshine, koth_clearcut, cp_snakewater, cp_entropy, cp_gullywash
  • week 3: cp_gullywash, koth_bagel, cp_metalworks, cp_process, cp_entropy
  • week 4: cp_snakewater, koth_clearcut, cp_sultry, cp_sunshine, cp_metalworks
  • week 5: cp_metalworks, koth_bagel, cp_entropy, cp_gullywash, cp_process
  • week 6: cp_sultry, koth_clearcut, cp_metalworks, cp_sunshine, cp_snakewater
  • week 7: cp_entropy, koth_bagel, cp_sultry, cp_process, cp_gullywash


Premiership Playoffs will take place December 9th-10th while Division 1 Playoffs wil take place December 16th-17th.

These playoffs will follow a similar structure to the previous Seasons, with it being Top 4 in the tables. Top 2 going to Upper Bracket Finals and Bottom 2 going to Lower Bracket Semis.

There will be map pick advantage for the teams who win the Upper Bracket Final.

Division 2 and Below

Map pool

While cp_process_f12 and cp_sunshine had their one season break, that leaves us with cp_snakewater_final1 and cp_gullywash_f9. We voted in the seasonal polls and the outcome was quite close. Though for the ETF2L Autumn Season 2023 cp_gullywash_f9 will sit out this time. Which leaves us with cp_snakewater_final1 remaining among the other two core maps. We will see you next season, cp_gullywash.

For Division 2 and below the following map pool will be used:

In our recent polls (over several Seasons) we have seen koth_product_final receiving more and more requests to be replaced or removed from the map pool (34,27% of the players want it removed (highest amongst all maps)). We have decided for this Season to replace it with koth_clearcut_b16a and gather feedbacks at the end of the Season to see how the map replacement is appreciated.

We have also noticed that beside the 4 core maps,

  • Process (7,94/10)
  • Gullywash (8,01/10)
  • Snakewater (8,78/10)
  • Sunshine (8,70/10)

The other maps never really seemed to have established as much.

  • cp_metalworks_f5 (6,33/10)
  • cp_reckoner_rc6 (6,26/10)
  • cp_granary_pro_rc16a (6,30/10)

As these maps have been around for a while now we feel it may be time to try some of the new maps out there and give these some time out.

Additionally cp_sultry_b8a has received 60,14% positive votes to be added and cp_entropy_b5 has received 48,25% positive votes to be added in the Season

Map Rotation


The playoffs format will depend on the number of teams. We will update this as soon as possible.

If the homepage or this news post isn’t updated contact us on Discord.


The winners of each Division/Tiers will automatically be promoted to the next higher Division/Tier unless their starting roster has changed by half or more of their players.

All promotions are open for admin discretion. This is in order to make sure the tiers are as good as they can possibly be. If you are uncertain about being promoted you can follow the below mentioned sign-up process to give additional information about your team.

Sign-up Process

First and foremost you must sign your team up here: https://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=comps

Then, if you are applying for Division 6/Open tier (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.

Otherwise, we encourage you to send us an email at [email protected] or directly contact a league admin through the ticket system in our Discord, with the following information:

– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L team link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

– Team BIG EXPLOSION, Premiership, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

– 5-2 vs Team Aoshi’s All Stars (Prem) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact the admins risk losing their spot in the division they are asking for.

Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favored over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier.



  1. Blanc: 43 said:


  2. Hugee: 43 said:


  3. Blanc: 43 said:


  4. Hugee: 43 said:


  5. bum: Dancer said:

    not good

  6. Arentrir: L_? - HOUSE said:

    lord have mercy

  7. Samus: OPFOR - Dr. med. said:

    this definitely is a map pool

  8. Royal: (League Admin) - B4P - SONS said:

    Surely Div 2 and lower has a higher weighting than div 1/prem because of the number of players. Your overall average surely shouldn’t be what it is? You cant just add the 2 ban % and then divide by 2, that isn’t how statistics work.

  9. yPsung said:

    Is this maths correct?

  10. theos: 43 - CCP said:

    The map pool ever

  11. Aelkyr: 1738 said:

    just an idea but perhaps we could have tested those new maps in a preseason cup sort of setting instead of playing vaccinator tf2 on cp_freight

  12. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    how the fuck does bagel get in over any other map

  13. Nokturnal said:

    It actually is quite curious to see how the new maps work out. Hopefully you try it in HL too. Because at some point you just get fed up with everything you’ve already seen for a years. Would be interesting to get into some new surroundings

  14. azzii: gun - JaR said:

    Remove Product from HL next proot is just a better Product x)

  15. Asyashi said:

    >remove gullywash
    >replace it with a worse version of gullywash

    “cp_entropy_b5 has received 48,25% positive votes to be added in the Season.”


  16. Famtosha said:


  17. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    free gullywash

    free product

  18. Cuby: /ff said:

    having only a week to close up teams, trials and do sign ups, smelly situation right there

  19. starboy: BuizPeng said:

    again, what’s the reason to ban mg?

  20. menex: 43 said:

    remove entropy, add badlands

  21. yak: VNC said:

    Stop giving shit hardstuck middies (over 5 seasons) an opinion

  22. Bona_: 128 said:

    rtx on

  23. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    finally some new grub