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Highlander Spring Season 2023: Awards Show!

Date July 29, 2023

banner by  soda | Written by  Refleks  

The time has come! The votes are in! And the suits are prepared! The Highlander award show is BACK! Covering the Spring Season 2023

Join us on KritzKast as we debate, argue, and show love to players who performed in this Premiership season! As your host Spain CeeJaey joined with UnitedKingdom Harry lead you through the program! Special nominees & players from the season will also appear! Such as: England samii, Israel JackyLegs and Netherlands hondjo‘s cat! And you cannot forget about the results being presented by the one and only: Norway Refleks (me), alongside Netherlands Wiethoofd himself on production!

All of this is happening LIVE TONIGHT at KritzKast Saturday 29th of July 20:00 CEST! This is something you absolutely do NOT wanna miss out on!!!

One Comment

  1. Korra: JUMP - Arti Rush said:

    Refleks best DJ trust