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Highlander Season 26: Wrap-up

Date September 4, 2022

It has been some time after we announced the Season 26 Awards on KritzKast and would like to share the winners with you in case you didn’t catch the award show. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks for all the players and teams participating in Season 26.

Highlander Season 26 Winners

The winner of the Premiership Division was Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN!. Congratulations to the SDCK for getting their 8th championship win in a row. SDCK now has 11 Premiership championships under their belt, making them the most awarded Highlander team in our history.

The winning squad is composed of:

Division placements

1. gold medal Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN!
2. silver medal Poland inVision
3. bronze medal Poland Feila eSports finanzieren durch

Division 1
1. gold medal Latvia FANATIC
2. silver medal Iceland D1CK + 9 OTHER NOOBS
3. bronze medal Finland moro moro

Division 2
1. gold medal TheIsleOfMan Cult of 256
2. silver medal Uganda Pizza Police
3. bronze medal UnitedKingdom ANGLO 2024

Division 3
1. gold medal Brazil MONKEY MODE: CLASS OF '22
2. silver medal Poland Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME
3. bronze medal European Team Fortunate
3. bronze medal European hopebusters

Division 4
1. gold medal Norway neoWise
2. silver medal Turkey 31 :)
3. bronze medal Croatia Cult of Ivan
3. bronze medal European well in that case

Open Division
1. gold medal Russia ПРИДУРКИ
2. silver medal Russia Avangard
3. bronze medal Thailand Only4Word
3. bronze medal Ukraine traphouse

Premiership Award Winners

Below are the players that you voted as players of the season:

  • Best Player of the Season: Germany mezzo
  • Scout of the Season: Poland bb
  • Soldier of the Season: Israel JackyLegs
  • Pyro of the Season: France TBourdon
  • Demoman of the Season: Hungary nubbi
  • Heavy of the Season: Ireland AlesKee
  • Engineer of the Season: Latvia Clark
  • Medic of the Season: CzechRepublic gedu
  • Sniper of the Season: Hungary redlix
  • Spy of the Season:  Germany mezzo
  • Debut of the Season: Poland stick
  • Caster of the Season: Spain CeeJaey


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