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Popular places to play competitive TF2 pickup/mix games in Europe

Date February 11, 2022

Banner by Poland bobair

There are plenty of places where people can play competitive TF2 games in Europe, with a wide variety in skill, some in general rules, and ways to get into the game, but the goal ultimately is the same for each service – people enjoying competitive games, regardless of skill level of the players.

By making this post we would like to highlight some European services where you can play competitive games, depending on the gamemode(s) you are interested in.

EU Newbie Mixes – 6v6

You are new to competitive TF2 and would like to learn more about 6v6, but the whole process just seems too intimidating and you don’t know where to start? Then EU Newbie Mixes, powered by newbie.tf & TF2IsPwn, are the right thing for you! You can learn how to play 6v6 in a low pressure learning environment, aided by experienced coaches who will teach you rollouts, map callouts, how to attack and defend a point and much more.

EU Newbie Mixes are run every Friday night starting at 20 CE(S)T, depending if there are enough players. If you are interested head over to their website newbie.tf and join their Discord!

PS: Are you an experienced player (= Mid or above) and would like to teach newbies how to play every other week? Then contact Germany Samus on Discord (Samus#1445) and ask for more information.

tf2pickup.org – 6v6, Highlander, BBall

tf2pickup.org is a project made by Poland maly, which started in July 2019 as a small service for the Polish TF2 competitive scene named tf2pickup.pl. The aim of the project was to include as many new players as possible, but hosting traditional double mixes for that was pretty difficult.

The service made players get into games faster by having a better and more balanced matches organized. At first it was only the Polish service for 6v6 game mode, but soon enough they learned there was a demand for more game modes, and interest from other countries. After tf2pickup.pl‘s initial success, hl.tf2pickup.pl launched for 9v9 Polish Highlander pickups and was followed by tf2pickup.es for Spanish 6v6 pickups. At the moment the majority of the European countries can play pickup games in their own native language, moreover there are plans to expand it even further, eventually for a service for Europeans in general, with English language in use.

Every single tf2pickup.org community has common values, but the most important one is use of the same national language, which in most cases is different than English. That gives a unique opportunity to allow people to play in their native language. The communities manages their own pickup sites themselves and apply their own rules. Pickups are balanced by setting up “skills” for players for each class available in a played format on each website. Having them balanced amongst the entire community gives a way to have balanced games. Skills are managed by site admins for each website, since they know their communities the best.

Currently operational websites are:

The most anticipated websites at the moment are European 6v6, 9v9 and Ultiduo Pickups (tf2pickup.eu, hl.tf2pickup.eu and ultiduo.tf2pickup.eu respectively). They will be started up in the future as additional ways to play balanced games for the entire European community.

RAHMIX – 6v6, Highlander, BBall, Ultiduo

What is RAHMIX? Well RAHMIX is a friendly, local and global, pug and mix Discord server – for any div; any region! It is the biggest European PUG Discord in the world, and they are expanding to other regions including North America, South America, Asia and Australia. Their Discord name comes from a name of a popular European TF2 competitive player, UnitedKingdom Rahmed.

RAHMIX offer a variety of ways to play with the community:

  • Automated discord bot PUG system. No need to add up to a lobby voice chat deafened. Simply queue up, ready up and pick or get picked – all in chat!
  • 6’s and HL FFA and High pugs. Free for all queues that allow all divisions to queue together – first come; first serve! And for those looking for more try-hardy matches, high pugs only allow d1+ to queue – high pugs are quality pugs!
  • 6’s hosted mixes. For teams that can’t or don’t find other teams to scrim, we provide a simple, tried and tested hosting system – imported all the way from asia!
  • Worldwide Mentorships. Get mentored, for an individual or a teamn from top d2 to prem mentors, and their equivalences, from across the world!

RAHMIX has their own bespoke discord rahb0t, coded by the amazing UnitedKingdom Not Steven, that dispenses your league’s division role – whichever that may be.

Head on over to RAHMIX and invite your friends too!




  1. magic: rigcz - Kratos said:

    Która godzina? pora na pickupa!

  2. Mlody: wL. - 2BU said:


  3. Vermilion said:

    @bball @ulti need 2 more!!!

  4. Balen said:

    ♿ спешу ♿ на ♿ паг ♿

  5. Tonton Flairix: Aldi - iK said:

    Rahmed the div1 player

  6. wonder: 哟什 said:


  7. wonder: 哟什 said:


  8. P1nball: Africa - WEED said:


  9. Morbus: juice - BBG said:

    Good post

  10. Kumis: DIRECTOR - kz said:

    +2 need demo and scout

  11. DeltaHL said:

    In Brazil you can play in Vanilla Fortress too, iirc.

  12. Alabamo said:

    where mong mix, not dead at all

  13. Axio said:

    there monkey mode mixes @aleskee

  14. Jon: ETF said:

    Rahmed…popular player? Nah must be someone else.

  15. Igov Драгови: koto - 800A said:

    where is coomer mixes

  16. Fancy: REMOVE - HOUSE said:

    rahmix 🗿🗿

  17. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - buud$cult said:

    add pug
    Also scandi pugs ain’t really for finns if you can only speak finnish. Languages are too far apart. The traffic would be swell tho

  18. Kars: Bully said:

    Rahmix enjoyer

  19. John Cena: 哟什 said:


  20. Desty said:

    mordek rozdaje czapki na pickupach !!

  21. Fr3unen: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Pretty good :D

  22. Funi: BRAINROT! said:


  23. Sizzle: MAGDONAL - CCP said:

    Woah hold on do you mean the legendary SVIFT rahmed player???

  24. dias: fSc said:

    I dont know about other Pickups, but CZ/Sk pickups are trash, dunn bout others but i feel like old pickups (came back after 5years so sorry for that) but old pickups played much better, had better community (d3+). What i see is 13 same people playing doublemix just because there is no better way to do, Just out of laziness joining pickup for mediocre game with same people over and over that tend to troll or have their own style of game. Imo it ruins what EU pickups were supposed to mean and im kinda dissapointed, since i wnna play around 23 CET and i need to go thru 10 different pickup pages to see 2 people in each pickup not ever filling up. Ikr i can join other pickups but Feels like im not supposed to be in that group. TBH so many CZ/SK players that just dont want to play pickups just because of 14 same people is there, and honestly it doesnt even feel good to be with them on mumble, because its same 14 people over and over. I feel like there should be like 2 pickup pages for TOP tier and Low/mid tier.

  25. Rahmed: RAH said:

    Rahmix represent!