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6v6 Season 38: Provisional Tiers and Map Pool Update

Date March 12, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Map Pool Update

After evaluating the feedback from the cup and the map voting poll following it we have decided to put the following maps in the season:

Poll Results:

The following results are percentage out of total votes.

Provisional Tiers

Down below are this season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name. Teams marked in yellow are more likely to be moved if there is a need to change teams around.

Unhappy about your place? Feel free to contact us over at our Discord Server. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved.

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  1. Velvet~: abs - NUKE said:

    granary -____________________-

  2. pijacka: myx - arctis said:

    granary -____________________-

  3. red: SHISZA - HV said:

    granary -____________________-

  4. sway: W said:

    granary -____________________-

  5. mak FP: BIG said:

    “granary -____________________-” – noob’s

  6. alov: ONCE said:

    seems like divs are very balanced

  7. Charon: RAH said:

    granary -____________________-

  8. Pixe⭐️: EDS said:

    at this point just don’t even make the poll, maps already played every fucking season would win anyway

  9. Un4given: GANJA said:

    granary -____________________-

  10. Squishy: [DA] said:

    granary :D

  11. Noot: Issue? - Issue! said:

    granary -____________________-

  12. Raz: Pander said:

    g -_

  13. darkitime: 70/154/54 - kz said:

    granary -____________________-

  14. Skrills_biker: RPT said:

    granary :)

  15. Skrills_biker: RPT said:

    Metalworks is not good

  16. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    How come granary is so hated anno 2021? OG map

  17. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Nah it’s not hated, just scout mains with bad movement hate it

  18. Fancy: MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    so based holy shit

  19. hr said:

    granary is the greatest map of all time and you are all terrible

  20. Pixe⭐️: EDS said:

    granary cringe reckoner based

  21. kabuto: ︻デ═一 said:

    permzilla is rostered in low