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End of the Year Schedule & Rules Update

Date July 18, 2020

As you all know the 2020 calendar has had to adapt due to both the CoVid-19 crisis as well as the data loss. This has led us to review our planned schedule for the whole year. Many of you have asked us when the next Highlander season was going to start and whether or not we were going to host the 8th edition of the 6v6 Nations Cup.

Provisional Schedules

Highlander Season 22

Signups: 31st July – 26th August
Premiership Qualifiers: 21st August – 30th August
Final divisions: 29th August
Main Season: 30th August – 2nd October
Playoffs: 4th October – 23rd October

6v6 Nations Cup #8

Captain Application: 25th September – 16th October
Final Groups: 17th October
Group Stage: 1st November – 29th November
Playoffs: 29th November – 18th December

Note: Dates are still subject to change.

As of right now we are planning to have the next 6v6 season after the conclusion of 2020. Our reasoning for this decision is twofold – we wanted the next 6v6 season to occur before Copenhagen LAN and scheduling the seasons this way allows for a break between seasons which enables the league to run cups in the gap between the Highlander and 6v6 seasons.

Rules Update


  • 2.2.3. Offensive messages, nicknames and avatars are not welcome:

We do not tolerate offensive team names/nicknames, avatars and messages regardless of where they are posted – this includes (but is not limited to) the forum, match comments, and in-game during official matches. Any form of offensive behavior, including offensive bind spamming in the in-game chat, is not allowed. Admins reserve the right to contact the players involved to have their name changed and will change offensive names on their own if the players are uncooperative. All cases are reviewed individually. Penalties may vary based on the severity of each offense, with any decisions being made at the discretion of the admin team. All circumstances will be taken into account.


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  1. BlastFM: TS said:


  2. Charlie said:

    please host tournaments on promods to see how s27 and beyond can be played to make sure we all have fun

  3. MrSmithers: doggo said:

    i second a promod tournament of some kind, especially if its gonna be 4-5 months between 6s seasons

  4. MrSmithers: doggo said:

    actually scratch that if its 5 months just have a 6s season..

  5. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    yeah no capitalizing on the year everyone has too much free time would be a huge waste and frankly a bit harmful for the scene, the downtime should be used for some sort of cups (promod or not), hell if its no official season, might as well try out more maps again until then

  6. calle cool: tavi said:

    maybe a 7 week promod tournament with playoffs (haha like a regular season but with promod plugins)

    or just a normal 6v6 season instead of nations cup if anything so more people can play

  7. Collaide said:


  8. ZiggoKill: (League Admin) - Issue? - Issue! said:

    Nations Cup taking that long is kinda weird since it’s so limited on the number of players that actually play in it

  9. JMaxchill: PBS said:

    This makes no sense, why does nations cup get two months if it means we won’t get another 6s season for six or seven??

  10. Haiva: Exp - PC said:

    For the 3weeks that ETF2L site was dead – they thought we would leave and never come back. Guess that was not enought.

    So they just decided to kill it themselves.

    Just do the season ^^ tytytyt

  11. Jake: doggo said:

    Definietly think waiting for next year to start the next 6s league is a huge mistake. Feels like the kind of thing that might only harm the playerbase and I can’t really see the benefits being that massive.

  12. fraftti said:


  13. StellarHoxy said:

    now this leaves the question on whether i will be able to play anything because killer semesters incoming, like hl should be doable but…

  14. frenchie said:

    Three weeks just for captain application? But… Why? Almost a whole month just groups? But… Why?

    *everyone*: I’ve never had this much dead time to fill in my life – I’ll actually have time for the sixes season this winter

    *etf2l*: so we’re gonna use 3 weeks from that winter 6s season to get gather captaincy messages… oh and use the other 4 weeks of that winter 6s season to run group stages that the lockdown throwdown did in 2 days… oh and even though we’ve run 2 sixes seasons between i-series in august and cph in april 2 years in a row, we’re gonna assume its not possible anymore

    *everyone*: so now what do i do with that 5months?

    *etf2l*: you can watch 5% of the playerbase do a tournament you have 0 access to… oh and we’ll hold some map cups! :)

  15. Samski: MPREG said:

    Just to second what Frenchie is saying. Why is there a requirement to have 3 weeks for nation cup signups? Not only that but why on earth is there then a 2 week gap between the groups being posted and the group matches being played? And then a month to play group games?

    Honestly those timeframes don’t make it look like anything other than admins trying to elongate the nation’s cup to span to the end of the year to justify not running another 6s season this year.

    If these timelines actually stay as posted above I will personally run some promod tourneys instead of a 6s season every couple of weeks with some prize pools. Whilst people are already bored with this situation it seems silly to reduce the seasons.

  16. Sodium: (Head Admin) - fluffy - .be said:

    As already mentioned in our discord, we are not going to leave this 5 month gap open with no competition. Due to the freed time we can focus our efforts on both data recovery and organising longer cups. These cups will be able to be played by anyone, not just the 5% of the players participating in the nation’s cup.

    We now have the time to do more than one night cups in which we can test things thoroughly with more playtime.

  17. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    frenchie and Samski are making great points, why would you need almost 3 months in total to make Nations Cup happen when at it’s longest (in 2018) it took just barely over 2 months to complete? NC’s in general have just gotten longer and longer so that they don’t even feel like cups anymore.


    Just look at the schedule in these two former cups now, NC6 might’ve been done way too quickly now that you think about it but that’s because it was a cup after all. And sign-up process? Not more than 10 days was needed, even a week will be too much when it’s off-season with no LANs to prepare for.

  18. frenchie said:

    And even then, half of this decision is based on the presumption that CPH2020 will actually happen despite there being no way to predict how COVID will react to the winter or how European governments will handle any 2nd waves…

  19. Goz said:

    I think this is a bad time to have a five months break between 6s seasons…
    Even after highlander there will be almost three months until next season starts and that’s just way too much time to only run cups.

  20. sicko: CSG.DEJI said:

    nobody asked for this, just make next season fall/winter happen, the biggest comp format with the biggest participation and player base not being played for 5 months is ridiculous, hl and nation cup do not take priority over the next 6’s season to be delayed to 2021, so fucking dumb

  21. Dave_IR8: SENS said:

    I think having 5 months without a 6s season will probably kill ETF2L.

    Ideally a longer break between seasons would be nice. You’d be able to avoid an overlap between 6s/HL playoffs and beginning of HL/6s season, and hopefully have fewer scheduling issues during premiership qualifiers.

    However after the website breaking and S36 being pushed back it was always gonna be a tighter schedule this year. The desire to schedule around the Nations Cup is also quite bizarre.

    I don’t see the playerbase being satisfied with the possibility of just a handful of test cups. If ETF2L were to push a more serious/innovative tournament that doesn’t take 10 weeks then fair enough, but this schedule update is pretty bleak at the moment.

  22. Pepy said:

    Nations cup? ITS COMING HOME

  23. saltyy: L_? said:

    Misschien wint Nederland wel eens een cup? :)